Chapter 2

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Harry's POV

I immediately take Tessa's arm and pull her out of the bathroom before some anyone catches us. There's a lot of creepy ass old men at this wedding and no doubt looking to get their dicks wet. I try and talk to Tessa about what she was saying earlier, but it's so hard to. This place is packed like a can of sardines, there are people everywhere and it's distracting me from focusing on Tessa. All I want to do is get the fuck out of this lame ass wedding and have Tessa to myself. But in the usual Tessa fashion, every person we bump into, she wants to talk to as long as possible and make it a point to tell everyone her and Liam fucking entire friendship story. 

"Yeah and we would get coffee every morning together, it was kind of ritual." Tessa smiles to some lady in a dress that is way to large for her body.

Ah and suddenly this reminds me of the way my old Tessa used to dress. I remember it like it was yesterday. The hideous long skirts that honestly looked like they were practically begging for me to rip them off. I craved those moments. And now's she's finally mine. My thoughts are mid-way interrupted by Tessa.

"Harry, you remember right? How you, Liam, and I all had the same literature class right?" She says with yearning eyes that are waiting for me to respond.

It takes me about 2 seconds to pick all the pieces of the story together that Tessa was telling the lady and to pull the context she was talking about before I completely ignored what they were talking about.

"Huh, oh.. oh yeah we were all in the same class together." I mutter pathetically. 

The lady must have know I was not even paying attention to the story because she fake smiles at me and continues talking with Tessa.

In order to avoid the awkward follow up conversation that I know is about to happen, I do what every smart person does in order to dismiss himself from a conversation at a wedding.

"I'm going to get a drink," I say more confidently this time.

"Do you guys want anything."

"Yeah, get me that iced tea that everyone is drinking." Tessa smirks. It was pretty clear of her lack of knowledge about alcohols because she couldn't even remember the name of the drink that literally half of the fucking drunk women were drinking at this wedding. I chuckle to myself.

"Wow, Teresa, Long Island Iced Tea? You sure you can handle it love?" I joke to lighten the mood

"Oh sweetie, I can handle anything you dish at me." Tessa says even sassier than I thought she would

"Oh you two are just too funny with each other." The lady in the large ass dress jokes. I almost forgot she was here for a split second cause I was too focused on my exchange with Tessa.

"Ha, you have no idea." I blurt out loud with a huge grin. As soon as I said that, Tessa's face turned a light pink color like she does before she's about to suck me dry. I exit the conversation before I hear an ear full from Tessa from that one. I leave because I know that I'll hear an ear full from her for the rest of my life. The rest of my goddam life. My rest of my life with her. My heart flutters for a second. I swear Tessa's turning me into a fucking ooze ball of feelings and emotions.

As I'm walking to the bar, I see these two little kids fighting and their fight seems like some pussy-ass shit compared to the fights I used to get in when I was younger. 

"You stole my sister's mini train." One of the kids with dark brown hair yelled at the taller kid. If I didn't know any better, I would say he reminds me a lot me.

"I didn't steal it, she wasn't using it so I just borrowed it." The taller kid seemed unaffected by the tone in the other kids voice

I contemplated helping the kid getting his train back. But then I thought to myself. Do I really wanna have a square off with a kid half my size? Nah. Fuck that.

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