Chapter 37

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Tessa's POV

"So whatcha wanna do for the rest of the day?" I say as Harry twirls a piece of my hair.

"Honestly? I just wanna lay here with you." He says and sit backs and crosses his arms above his head.

He takes my legs and places it over his and re-crosses his arms above his head.

"Well you know how nice that would be, but c'mon we can't just sit here all day."

"Sure we can." He says and gets up and walks towards the bathroom.

"There's a tv, a shit ton of food cause we just got groceries, and a bed to fuck whenever we want. What more could you want?" He smiles and opens the bathroom door and closes it.

"Um, no we can't. I still have a bunch of errands to run and I was supposed to finish them but you distracted me!"

"Whatever Theresa!" He yells through the bathroom door. 

I get up and look for my phone. Shit. I forgot it's still at Richard's place. I scan around the room for my laptop and see that I left it on top of my dresser cabinet.

I need to figure out a way to get my phone back. I remember I briefly meet Richard's assistant Monica a couple of weeks ago so maybe I can talk to her. 

I open up my laptop and go through my text messages that are sent through my laptop. A couple of them are work related and a bunch are from Harry. I immediately open Harry's and see what he wrote.

I look at the time stamp for one of the messages. It was a couple of hours ago. 

"Tessa where the fuck are you, why aren't you answering?"  

"Tessa, seriously answer me." Another text reads.

I hastily delete the text messages. I don't know why I just did that, but I did. I'm surprised Harry hasn't brought up the texts to me yet but I don't want to deal with it. We're doing good right now so I want to keep it like that.

He comes out of the bathroom and plops himself right next to me.

"Whatcha doin?" He says.

"Just answering some work emails that I haven't done yet." I say and he places his hand on top of my head and starts scratching it. 

"I see what you're doing Harry."

"What, what am I doing?" He says with an innocent look.

"You're trying to make me all relaxed and comfortable so I will stay with you in this apartment. But it's not gonna happen." I say and remove his hand.

"Oh c'mon, I was just being a good boyfriend."

I get up and walk over to the closet. From the corner of my view, I see Harry's eyes following mine.

"Well, if your not coming with me. I'm going." I say and put on a jacket. I hope Harry will come with me but he's acting so childish right now.

"Tessa, you were the one complaining about how cold it was and now you want to go back out in the cold?"

"Yes, if it means that I can run some errands and do what I need to do for the day, then yes I will." I say confidently.

He rolls his eyes and gets up from the bed. 

"Glad to see you finally came to your senses." I tease.

"Okay, but don't start crying when the cold gets too much for you." He snaps.

We walk out the front door and make our way to the street. 

"So where exactly are we going?" Harry asks.

"To the mall? I need to pick out some outfits for work." I say.

We take the subway to the mall and I go into a couple of different stores. We stop at Macy's and I go inside. I try on this blue suit that I see.

"What do you think?" I say and walk out of the fitting room.

I see Harry looking down at his phone, not paying attention. 

"Harry?" I say again.

"Huh, yeah it's fine Tess." He says and goes back to looking at his phone. 

"Ugh." I go back inside and change to the black suit. I walk back out.

"Okay but what do you think of this one?" I say.

He looks up from his phone.

"Weren't you just wearing that one?" He says with a confused look.

"Ugh Harry can you please pay attention!"

"Alright alright! I'll pay attention this time." He says.

"And put the phone away please." 

He does as I say and puts it in his pocket. 

I stand there. 

"Well?" Harry says.

"Well what?" I say.

"Are you going to try something else on or are you going to have me sit here like an idiot?" 

I smile and go back inside the dresser. I try on a grey sleek dress with small black heels.

I came out and Harry looks up at me.



"You like it?" For some reason, all it took was that one word and I couldn't stop smiling. 

"Tessa you look hot as fuck. You do realize that if you continue to wear that dress, I'm going to have to visit you on my lunch breaks and fuck you inside my office right?" He says.

I giggle.

"Well I'm glad you like it so much."

"Yeah see that's the thing. The fact that I like it so much means other males will like it so much. Sorry Tessa it's nice but you have to put it back." He says and pulls out his phone completely oblivious to the fact that what he said was just plan out sexist.

"Um excuse me?" I say and put my hands on my hips.

"Babe look I'm sorry but at the same time I'm not. Tessa your not going to be walking around your office in that dress. You can practically see your ass in that."

"You totally cannot!" 

"Shhh! Will you keep your voice low?" He says and walks over.

He places his hands on my shoulders and spins me around so my back is facing the mirror. I look behind.

"See? It's all ass." Harry points.

"It's not!" I say back and his sits back down as if this argument is boring him and he knows he's going to win. 

*End of chapter 37! PLEASE LIKE/COMMENT/STAR. So much love for you all! Do you like the story so far?? I know it's a short chapter, but guys I've had a very very busy day!! Guys just one more chapter and I will have officially written the longest sequel to the After series! :)

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