Chapter 9

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Molly's POV

Everyone loved my speech. I knew they would the minute I stepped on that stage. Harry thought he was sooo funny dissing me in his speech, he has no idea what is going to come for him and his precious Tessa.

As I walk off the stage, I try and make eye contact with Harry but I can tell he is trying to avoid my gaze. I tried to talk to Harry the rest of the night but I couldn't, his arms and literally his hips were glued to his precious love the whole night.

I think of two options. I can either go grab a random guy and take him home or I can drink my sorrows away.

I go by the bar and ask the bar tender for a vodka sprite. I chug down the first glass and the warm alcohol burns my throat. I lick my lips.

"Another." I demand from the bar tender. I don't even care how much of an asshole I am being right now to this bartender. My heart hurts from constantly caring about men who seem to care more about their egos than me. 

I can't remember how many drinks I had. The whole room starts becoming blurry before I see this dark-haired tall man come into my near view.

"Harry?" I ask and I stumble forward. I swear the whole room is spinning and I feel a major head-ache coming on.

"Ha-ha, no. Try again gorgeous." I squint and the man's physical features come clear into view. He has a light beard and a sharp nose. I can't tell if it is the alcohol or my desperation to be with a boy right now that is making me find him attractive. Probably both.

"Fuck, who are you?" I say and I am slurring my words.

"I'm Richard." He shakes out his hand and he flashes me a pearly-white smile. 

Hold up. Isn't this the same guy who was with Tessa at the beginning of the wedding?

"I'm.... I'm...." I try saying my name but the words are not coming out.

"You're drunk. That's for sure." He says and laughs at the same time.

"Hey, stop laughing at me!" I say in protest. I have a sudden urge to go home. Who the hell is this Molly Samuels? I am usual never this moody or emotional. I have no idea what came over me.

"Sorry, darling. I wasn't laughing, I just think it's sad. A beautiful girl like you, all alone at a wedding. Why don't we make it better?" He grins, rubbing my finger on the bar table.

"Oh yeah? And how are you going to make it all better?" I say and I wrap my arms around the back of his neck and press my body against his.

"For starters, your probably really hot in this dress. Why don't we take it off? I have lovely air conditioning in my hotel room." He says

"No, I think I like it. I might just keep it on for the rest of the night." I tease and release my arms from his body. I'm in the mood to play tonight.

"I loved your speech by the way." He grips his hands on my wrists and pulls me closer into him.

"And I also happen to love the color pink." He whispers into my ear and pulls me away toward the door.

Harry's POV

Tessa is lying to me. What is she lying about?

No actually more importantly, why is she lying? 

I can tell she's lying because her eyes avoid my gaze and she releases her hand from mine.

"Tessa, what did you need to tell me?" This is the second time I've had to ask her this before she realizes I was even asking her a question. 

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