Chapter 39

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Harry's POV:

Not gonna lie, Tessa's being a complete utter bitch to me right now. 

I try and squeeze by the large group of me in between me and her. I receive some dirty glares from some of the people but I don't care. I get past the last person and move in front of Tessa.

Using both my hands, I grip the rails above me and stare straight at Tessa.

"Whats your problem?" I say. Of course, she decides to fucking ignore me.

"Tessa you do realize that if I wanted to meaner to you about that dress I could have."

She ignores me again. "For fucks sake Tessa can you say something?" I say with an annoyed voice.

"Oh I'm sorry Harry I forgot that every time I wanted to wear an outfit, I had to get your approval!" She says with a higher voice. A couple of people turn around and look at us. I glare at a couple of them and they turn their heads around as soon as they see me glare.

"Tessaaa." I try and say with a controlled voice. 

"I understand that you want to wear that dress but I'm being realistic here. You can't. So that was it. End of conversation." I say ready for this stupid conversation to me over but knowing Tessa it's far from over and I'm going to hear about this for the next week.

We reach the next stop and the person next to Tessa gets up and gets off and I claim the seat next to her. 

"You know what it's fine anyway. I like this new dress that I bought." She says with a smile on her face. 

Am I even in the mood to entertain this? No. Will I? Most probably.

"What dress?" I ask again.

"Oh you  know it's actually funny. You said the one that I was wearing was short. But then I saw another one, which looked even better." She says and smirks.

"Oh, so basically what your telling me is that you bought an even more revealing dress?"

"Yup." She says and places her knuckle under her chin to steady it. She's clearly satisfied cause she know I will get pissed off. 

"You know what Harry. Go ahead and keep telling me what to wear. See who's going to be waiting for you to come home when you do." She says and get up to get of the train. It's nearly our stop.

I quickly trails her. 

"You aren't seriously threatening me that your going to leave the apartment?" I say.

"Of I definitely can. I can't keep having these fights with you. I thought we were past this but I guess not." She says and we both get off the train and walk towards the escalator.

We get to higher ground and the cold air immediately hits our faces.

"You know Tessa your making a big deal out of all of this. It's a fucking dress. I'm not asking you to change your entire wardrobe or take my last name. Well not yet anyways. But that's besides the point. I simply didn't like it." I say and shove my hands in my pockets. 

"Okay so then that's your opinion. You can keep it to yourself." She spits.

She shivers from the cold and I place my arm around her to warm her up. She shifts uncomfortably under my touch but then warms up. She moves her body closer towards me and we walk in parallel. 

We walk in silence, neither of us willing to break it, refusing to give into each other. We reach the apartment. I open the door and we both walk in. We peel on the layers and plop on the bed. 

Tessa takes a book out of her drawer and starts reading it. I decide to do the same. 

"Tess can I tell you something?"

"What?" She looks up, clearly annoyed that I interrupted her train of thought. When she's doing work or reading, she hates being interrupted. 

"You're really pretty." I say and look back at my book.

"You already told me that." She says, clearly unimpressed.

"Yeah I know I just wanted to tell you again." I say and place my arm around her and pull her to my body.

"Hey can I tell you something too?" She says.

"Yeah?" I say and look up.

"You are the most annoying human being on planet Earth." She says and goes back to her book aswell.

She pauses again. 

"But I love you." She says and smiles.

"Oh, Theresa Young you drive me crazy you know that right?" I say and place the book on the dresser drawer and tackle her.

She yelps and then begins to laugh.

I tackle her so that I am on top of her her and position her arms so that she can't move.

"Did you mean what you said?" I say and look into her eyes.

"Mean what?" She replies innocently. 

Fuck those eyes. I can't focus sometime when I'm staring at Tessa.

"When you said you would leave the apartment." I say and closely watch her face to see if there's a change in expression.

Her eyebrows drop and she relaxes.

"Harry." She says like she's about to lecture me for the fucking 10th time again.


"You know I love more than anything in the world. I just want us to find some common ground."

"Okay but you still didn't answer my question." I say again.

She pauses again and moves her lips like she's about to say something. 

"No I wouldn't." 

"No you wouldn't what?" I say wanting a complete answer.

"No I wouldn't move out." She says and sighs.

"Are you just saying that because I'm asking you or do you actually mean that?"

"I actually mean it." She replies.

"Okay good." I say.


"Because I don't know who else would do the fuck ton of laundry that we have around here." I say and get off of her.

She rolls her eyes and tosses a pillow in my direction and it smacks my face.

"Kidding!" I say and a burst of laughter erupts from my chest.

*End of chapter 39!!! Wooooooo!! Finally I updated! PLEASE PLEASE LIKE/COMMENT/STAR/TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT THIS. I'm sorry I literally took over a week to update I've had a lot going on but y'all are some fiesty creatures fighting with me in the COMMENTS omg you guys have absoutely NO CHILL. I'll be like doing homework and receive an email saying someone commented that "UPDATED SOONER OR UPDATE NOW I'M ANGRY AT YOU." Like omg omg you guys are wild. But I love you. ALSO I SAW THE MOVIE LAST WEEK. I'm thinking of reviewing it on youtube?? Thoughts?? Would you guys like it???? Also do you like the book so far??

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