Chapter 20

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Tessa's POV

When Richard practically pulled me out the door, I was scared. I am used to dominant personalities because I've been with Harry so long but being with Richard it's different.

He scares me in a different way. I don't feel protected when I'm with him. Honestly, this whole thing is my fault and I got myself into this mess. All I wanted to do was get back at Harry and now instead of going home with him, I'm going home with god knows where with Richard.

"Where are we going?" I mumble as he continues to tug along my arm.

"We are going back to my place." He says without looking at me once in the eye.

I know as soon as he said that, he is going to try and make a move on me. I mean it's not like Richard and I haven't kissed before, we have, it was definitely intense but it just wasn't the same as Harry and I's kiss. 

"Um okay how are we getting there?" I say trying not to panic.

We are going back to his house and we have no idea as to how we are getting there. This whole situation is just not want I expected.

"Taxi obviously. I didn't drive here cause my BMW's in the shop. Besides you should be excited to go back to my place. You actually get to see a nice, well-decorated condo. A nice upgrade from that dump you probably live in with Harry." He says and pulls out his phone and starts punching in some numbers into the phone and places it to his ear without looking once at me. 

I wait for him to finish his phone call before I say anything. I don't want to start irritating him because the last thing I need is Richard getting angry at me. I choose to ignore the comment about Harry because it will just add more fuel to the fire so instead I choose to talk about something else.

"You live in a condo?" I ask and start fidgeting with my finger tips and tugging on my pony-tail.

"Yes I do. I am very well-off Tessa, I hope you know that. I can take care of you. I hope you know that." He says and turns to look at me and takes one step closer.

"In fact, I can be everything he isn't for you." He whispers in my ear and runs his hands down my back.

I feel goose-bumps erupt on my shoulders and travel down my spine. There's a weird feeling in the pit of my stomach because I do not know where this is going to go. 

"Harry.... he's... just.. figuring himself out. With me." The words stumble out of me.

"Why do you want to be with be so bad Richard? I just don't understand. You have everything you could possibly want. Good looks, money, you even live in a condo for gods sake. I'm just a regular editor in New York. It's like I'm anything special." I say to him. I think that down-playing my success is the best way to deter him from wanting me but I don't know.

"That's exactly it, isn't it Tessa? I want you because I can't have you. If Harry can't treat you the way a woman should be treated, I will gladly fill that space. I bet that little boy doesn't even know how to fuck you properly like I could." He hisses between his teeth.

I don't know what to say. Luckily I am saved by the taxi cab that drives up on the car and pulls up near us. Richard opens the door for me and motions for me to go in.

I feel the hot air of the heat immediately hit my face as I slid into the car and I feel beads of sweat start to form on my face.

"It's warm in here isn't it?" Richard says and rubs my arm.

"Yeah, it's warm. A little uncomfortable actually. Uh sir, could you turn down the heat?" I ask the taxi driver. 

"No, don't. I like the heat." Richard says over me, completely ignoring what I just said to the driver. 

"Tell me about your editing Tessa, how is that going?" He murmurs and pushes a strand of hair behind my ear.

"It's fine, I've just been finishing up some manuscripts. I just start edited some good ones and I'll send in the final copy to my manager." I say, weirded out by how abruptly Richard changed the topic of conversation.

"Tessa you know that I know lots of people in publishing. I could get you a job near my condo, that way you could go to work and come back home to me whenever you wanted. You could come home in your sexy work outfit and we can play a little dress-up." He whispers quietly making sure the driver doesn't listen.

"I fantasize about you Tessa. About what you wear to work. About you sitting in my bed, half-naked with your blonde hair in a bun, waiting for me."

I hesitate, unsure of what to say next.

"Richard, I don't even know if I can get another job. I just got settled into my new one and things are going really well. Besides, it's too much of a hassle to ask you to do that." I say trying to ignore the sexual atmosphere in this small taxi cab right now.

"It's okay. I'm a patient man. I'll wait for you, it makes me all the more eager. You don't want it easy do you Tessa? You want me to chase you? Your such a bad girl, this is why I like you so much. Your so enticing you know that right?" He places small kisses from my cheek to my neck.

I can sense the car slowing to a stop and for a second I forgot I was in a taxi car. Richard continues to place kisses on my neck and his hand moves on my thigh.

"Richard, please no." I beg.

"Tessa, remember what I said. Behave otherwise Harry will get it." He says slowly almost seductively.

I take a large gulp, I don't want to argue because I still don't know if he's lying about being able to place Harry back in jail and essentially ruining his life. 

"Tessa you are wearing so many layers. I can't wait to take them off of you." He continues placing his hands over my body and whispering in my ear. 

I feel the car come to a stop and the driver look behind us. Richard pays the guy in cash.

"Look's like we're at our destination." He says, while smiling, almost scaring me and tugs my whole body closer to his, and out of the taxi.

*End of chapter 20!! You guys PLEASEEE COMMMENT, LIKE, AND STAR. YOU GUYS ARE LITERALLY THE REASON WHY I DO THIS!! aHHH!! Who's excited for chapter 21?? If enough of you guys star and comment, I will consider making an after 5 and making this after 4 series of mine even longer than 100 chapters!!

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