Chapter 4

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Harry's POV

After teasing Tessa for how fucking hilarious her idea of someone calling me during my speech is, we finally beginning walking into the ballroom. 

My joke literally fucking drops. Like no kidding. They pimped out this place really good. Only Ken Styles and his big load of money that he practically has tucked in his back pocket could rent out this shit. 

Everything looks pink. I mean honestly it looked like the fairytale wedding of a five year old, but it was nice. From the decor right down to the floor, the subtle shade of pink seemed to be the theme at this wedding. 

I look over at Tessa and she gasps

"Oh my god, Harry. This is gorgeous. Isn't it?" I can already see the mini wheels turning in her head cause she's probably thinking about how our wedding will look.

"Yeah, baby it is."

Tessa shifts her body towards me.

"How long do you think it took for them to do?"

I push my hair back from my forehead.

"About as long as it took for you to come in that bathroom."

I pause.

"So not that long."

"Harry!" She swats my arm and scrunches her face. I can't help it though. She's so adorable when she gets annoyed at me. It just makes me want to annoy her more.

"Whatever let's just find our seats now. You have to give your speech soon and I might need a cocktail or two to deal with you." She elbows me slightly

"Okay." I chuckle and elbow her back lightly. I know that sometimes, even when we are play-fighting, I have to be gentle with Tessa because I'm a lot taller and stronger than her so one wrong elbow hit, and I could actually injure her. 

I look towards the center of the room. There are about four people dressed in black with head-sets trying to direct everyone to their seats in a calmly fashion, but of course, most people as I would like to think are fucking retarded and don't know how to handle any sort of matter with discipline. People are going up to the coordinators and complaining that they should have been seated closer to the main stage because that's where Liam and his bride will be. They keep complaining that they are of higher importance than other guests because they are family and they should be near the couple to be, blah blah blah.

"Dang, what's all the commotion about?" Tessa says with a worried look.

"I don't know, probably some whiny fucks complaining about not being close enough to Liam to kiss his precious feet." I reply back

"Whatever, all I care about is being seated next to you, babe." I say

"Harry, about that. When I first got the wedding invitation, I requested to sit next to-"

She's cut of by one of the black suited lady.

"Names?" The lady rudely asks. Honestly the fuck is her problem?

I tell her our names and she proceeds to tell me that Tessa and I are not seated next to each other.

"Well then, who is Tessa seated next to?" I bark back. If this lady wants to have a square off with someone, then she picked the wrong person

"Miss Young is next to Richard Prat and extended family." She answers back in a very direct tone, eager to end our conversation 

"What?" My eyes go wide and I literally feel the blood drain from my face. I dart my eyes immediately at Tessa and she looks away. She closes her eyes and tenses her face as if preparing herself for the scene I about to make right now.

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