Chapter 19

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When that May girl walks away, I smirk to myself. She reminds me of Tessa in a small way. The way she spoke back to me and her constant smile despite my rude behavior. 

Tessa is like that too. Always trying to smile despite my contact belittling of her. I might mess with this May girl out of boredom. She seems like the type to take my shit and give it right back to me. I might get a laugh or two out of it too.

I fiddle with my fingers and play with the silverware on the table. I fold and then re-fold the napkin in front of me. I really need to focus if I want to get back at Richard. I pull out my phone and scroll through my contacts. I keep scrolling through a bunch of random girls' numbers.

When Tessa and I broke up, I kind of went on a free for all and got any girl's numbers I got find. Even the ones I didn't find attractive. I remember going to bars late at night and talking to drunk girls and contemplating taking them home cause I tried to do anything to forget about Tessa, but I couldn't help it.

I scroll through a couple of Amy's, Amy from Bar and Amy from Gym and then some Sarah's, Sarah from Shop and Sarah from Blue Bar. 

Sarah from Blue Bar? Who is Sarah from the Blue Bar? The fuck? I don't even remember getting that number.

After a bunch of scrolling and me cringing at the memories of talking to all these random girls at bars, I finally hit Molly. 

I see her number flash before my eyes and I contemplate calling her.

Hmmm. I rub the bottom of my chin. If I call her, she will convince me to come over and I am not in the mood to deal with her annoying voice right now. I think texting is the best way to go. It's informal but it will get the message across. 

I text a simple "Hey", place my phone on the table and wait for a response. I keep my texting bland and too a minimum because that is all that it takes with Molly. I don't need to try at all with her. The slightest sign of interest and she would jump at my feet. I smirk. I could be fucking married to Tessa but Molly would still want me. 

I close my eyes and press my fingers to my temples. Holy shit. My headache keeps growing and I need this coffee now. 

Where is this goddam waitress?

I watch as the back door opens and out walks May with a black coffee in hand and a small plate in the other. 

"Could you have taken you long enough." I mutter under my breathe.

"Sorry.. I had to make a fresh pot for you. We just ran out. The last black coffee was given to the people over there." She motions to the couple I saw earlier but continues smiling at me. I honestly can't tell if she's just like this or trying to flirt with me. 

Even though she's acting nice, I can't help but find familiarity in her eyes.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" I ask bluntly. 

"Ha. I was wondering when you would ask me. Yes, you do. You don't remember?" She says and continues to pour the coffee.

"No obviously not. Care to jog my memory?" I say annoyed that she's not being straightforward.

"Hold on, you don't remember that night at all? You don't remember our conversations, the drinks, the dancing?" She says.

"Dancing?" I say confused and annoyed again.

"Oh yes we had lots of fun that night. Both of us were extremely drunk though. But it makes it all the more fun, when two drunk people get together, who knows what the hell will happen, right?" She laughs and I see small dimples emerge from her face that I didn't see before.

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