Chapter 16

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Richard's POV

When that annoying young girl Molly left my hotel room, I felt slightly annoyed. She wasn't supposed to see all those documents that I had on Tessa and her infuriating boyfriend, Harry. 

All that I wanted us to do is have sex and then tell her how she can help me get Tessa and in return, she will get Harry.

Her personality aside, she was an attractive young girl. It was fun running my fingers through her pink head.

I smirk to myself.

I don't understand what it is. I think I have an obsession with younger women. This is what drives me to go to far stretches to have them in my bed, moaning my name until they cum. 

I'm almost thirty one years old and Tessa is twenty one. 

 I especially like women I can't have. Women that have other boyfriends, husbands.

 It all started with one of my patients. 


 She was a youthful strawberry blonde, only seventeen years old and I was thirty at the time. She came into one day complaining that her head hurt and started crying because her boyfriend had been fighting for her weeks and this was leading to her malignant health.

I remember that day very vividly in my head.

"Do it hurt when I touch you here?" I say and look up.

She sniffles and nods her head.

"What's your name?" I ask the shy girl. I was a little confused as to why she was here by herself. She was sixteen at the time. 

"I'm Nikolette, with a k." 

"Okay Nikolette I'm Dr. Pratt, I'm here to help you so you don't have to worry." I smile to put her at ease but I could tell something was bothering her.

"How about here, does it hurt when I touch your back like that?"

She nods her head again.

I sigh.

"Okay, well we are going to prescribe you some medicine for your body aches and for your flu. It is most likely a virus, you should be fine in a couple of days. The medication will take its course, you feel weak at first, but it will wear off."

"Okay, I need a doctor's note." She says without making eye contact.

"Sure, I will write that up for you, no problem." I smile back and turn around to grab the pen and paper.

I scribble on the note and hand it back to her.

I noticed glaring red marks on her hands. She notices me staring and quickly shoots her hand away.

"Nikolette, have you been harming yourself?" I ask cautiously.

She doesn't answer me for a second.

"Nikolette, it's important you tell me this. I am here to help you like I mentioned."

"I... I used to do but I..I don't anymore. My boyfriend... he.... he... abuses me." 

"Okay, well I am going to refer you to psychiatrist. She's great, she should be able to help you. In regards to your boyfriend, you need to call the authorities if this kind of activity from him continues. Because you are my patient, you are under my care and it is my responsibility to make sure no harm is done to you." I turn to exit the door.

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