Chapter 25

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Harry's POV:

We pass a bunch of buildings that I don't recognize on the way to the apartment.

"Wait, where the fuck are we going?" I say to the taxi driver.

"Who cares?" Molly says and continues kissing up and down my neck.

"Wait hold on." I push Molly off me and her head lightly hits the side of the window.

"Ow, you jerk." She rubs the top of her head. 

"Sorry, just hold on." I say back to her. 

I pull out my phone from my back pocket and search up the directions to the apartment. My blood starts boiling. We were supposed to turn right two blocks ago.

"Um, you do realize that we were supposed to turn two blocks ago right?" I say to the driver.

He looks at me in the rear view mirror. I can barely see his eyes because his large ass eyebrows practically over his entire face and he has hair coming out of every hole on his face.

"Yeah, yeah I know. I just took a de-tour. There was too much traffic back there and I didn't want to get stuck in it. I think there's some sort of parade today." He doesn't even look at me and keeps driving straight.

"Too much traffic? What is this guy talking about?" Molly says in a hushed voice.

I motion for her to stop talking and let me continue.

"What parade? It's the winter there's not parade happening." I say back.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure there's one happening, maybe you two just missed it."

"Yeah I think he's right Harry, you were too distracted with your hands going all over me." Molly whispers in my ear and rests her hand on my upper leg.

I roll my eyes and continue talking to Hagrid. 

"No, there definitely wasn't one. I would know. So your taking us to the wrong place." I snap back.

"Man I don't know." He replies

He points to the GPS.

"See we'll be there in ten minutes tops. Don't sweat it." He continues looking forward.

I glance down at my GPS. We are going in the opposite direction from my apartment.

"Pull over." I growl.

"I can't, there's too many cars and I can't find a space to park on the side." He looks at me through the rear view mirror again. 

"I said." I pause

"Pull over." This time with a louder voice.

"Dude I said I can't-"

"Pull the fuck over now!" I yell directly in his ear and slam my hand on the seat next to him.

"Okay fine, calm down dude." He pulls over to the side.

"Geeze man what is your problem? I was taking you to your apartment like you asked me to do."

"What's the problem? The problem is that you were taking us the wrong fucking way so that you can charge the meter for more money." I hiss.

"Dude like I said there was too much traffic because of the parade and I was taking a detour."

"For the last fucking time, there is no parade and this is bull-shit! I'm not paying for this taxi ride and we are leaving." I pull Molly out of the car and we move to the side-walk and I bump into some random guy holding a poster sign.

"Hey watch where your going!" He yells in my face.

"Why don't you make me!" I yell back and he looks frightened and starts to back away and bumps into a pole near the side of the rode and walks away quickly

I snap my neck around and look at Molly. She's covering her mouth from laughing.

"What's so funny?" I say.

"Why don't you look over at the pole over there?" She points towards it with her finger.

I look over and I see posters plastered all over the pole. They are white posters advertising some type of Winter Parade.

"Huh, so I guess that taxi driver wasn't lying." Molly continues laughing.

"Stop fucking laughing. Who the hell has a parade in the Winter? It's so damn cold and no one would show up anyway." I spit.

I look around. People are walking past us. It's so weird to me.

 Millions of people in the city. Consumed with their own lives and here I am on this random road with Molly, the last person I thought I would be here with. 

"Well, this is just fucking great." I kick a big stone on the side of the road and it lands in the middle of the street.

"Yeah, now we have to catch another taxi. And this time I'm not paying for this one." Molly says.

"Whatever that's fine, I have to just check on some things." I say back.

"Check on what Harry?" Molly tilts her head in suspension and puts her hands on her hips and raises her eyebrows.

"None of your goddamn business." I say.

"I'll be right back." I say and walk towards the next street behind this store. I shield my body from Molly's so she doesn't see what I'm doing.

I realize that in my hornyness, I didn't even think of the potential that Tessa could be home. I don't think that after storming off, she would come home.

 She would think that I would be there and I saw the look in her eyes, she didn't want anything to do will me.

Fuck. I have no where else to take Molly and theres a chance that Tessa could be at the apartment.

I decide to text Tessa. If she doesn't respond, she's probably not at the apartment and out somewhere.

"Tessa where are you?"  I send. 

I wait two minutes. No response. 

"Tessa where the fuck are you? I need to know where you are right now." I send another message. I wait a minute. 

No response. 

I'm starting to get impatient. I want to fuck someone right now, preferably Tessa but she's mad at me and wants nothing to do with me.

I send a series of three more messages and decide to wait three minutes this time.

No response. 

Fuck! I hit another pile of rocks on the side of the road. I walk back to Molly.

"Where were you?" She asks with crossed arms.

"Doesn't matter." I snap back.

I start to raise my hand.

"What are you doing?" Molly asks.

"Calling another taxi so we can get the fuck off this random street and back to my apartment." I say.

I look back and Molly is grinning. 

*End of chapter 25! Can you guys believe we are 1/4 of the way through the book!! Ahh!! Almost at 25 K views, y'all thank you thank you for all the love you show me, all the messages, it keeps me going it's the sweetest thing, PLEASE LIKE AND COMMENT AND STAR. You guys who's excited for Tessa's POV in chapter 26??? I know I am!!

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