Chapter 5

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Harry's POV

Molly. She's here. At the wedding. Why the fuck is she here? I feel my heart beating face and I know Tessa will likely run away if she sees Molly anywhere near me.

I watch as she strides to me with that obnoxious pink hair. I remember when at a point of time, I found Molly attractive. I thought it was cute how she colored her hair. Now, I think she looks like one of those gnome dolls that Smith plays with.

(**For those who don't know, Smith is Harry's younger half-brother)

I know the best thing to do is abort the situation immediately and go find Tessa. But this is it. I have had the last fucking straw with Molly, Zayn, and Richard. I know I have to stand my ground and remind Molly that her fucked up fantasy of her and I is never going to happen.

She comes closer and her face comes into view. Her cheeks looked sunken in and I can practically see her ribs sticking out from her dress. Molly's skin is a sickly pale-yellow color. Jesus christ. The poor girl looks sick. 

"Molly." I grit my tense and tense the muscles in my knuckle. 

"Harry." She says calmly, she doesn't seem to be affected by my anger at all. She pushes a strand of pink hair behind her ear, revealing her veiny, bony fingers. 

"You already know what I am going to ask you." I say in a tense tone. 

From the corner of my eye, I see golden-blonde hair and think it is Tessa, but the blonde turns her head around and reveals that it's not Tessa, just her look-alike. 

"So then ask me." Molly says, again without any expression in her face.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I try and act as calm as possible because there are families and children surrounding us.

"Same thing you are doing, enjoying a wedding. Please do not flatter yourself, I did not come here solely for the purpose of seeing you." She laughs like I am supposed to know why she is here.

"Harry, how do people end up at weddings?" She asks rhetorically.

"They get invited, duh." She says 

"If I didn't know any better, I would think your crashing a wedding."

"Nope, no wedding crashing here." Molly says

"What in the hell? There is no way Liam invited you to his wedding." I say back sharply.

"For gods sake, the only people that boy is friends with is stuck up, grade-A losers and rich snobs." I reply.

"Hmm, yes sweetie. You have a point. But Liam isn't the one who invited me." She says back slyly. 

"Oh, then who is?" I say, wanting to end our conversation as soon as it started.

Molly gestures towards two pinkish-white seats, trying to get me to sit. Now way I'm sitting next to this brat. God know where she will put her hands. 

"Fine suit, yourself. More room for me." She plops down and uses the other chair to rest her feet. She peels off her 

"Oh god, my back hurts so much, you would think that considering how much money these people have, they would afford my comfortable chairs for their guests to sit on." She says while rubbing her back. She shifts in her seat to make herself more comfortable and focuses all of her attention on me. 

Every word she speaks irritates me to the core. All I want to do is leave her here while I search for Tessa. Considering she has a half-working back, I don't think she would come after me anyways. 

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