Chapter 23

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Harry's POV:

"Where are we going?" Molly asks.

I smirk.

"Probably back to my place." 

"Don't you and Tessa live together? No offense, but I'm not really in the mood to cross paths with her."

The way Molly said her made my skin crawl. I had the right mind of turning around and telling Molly off. But I need her right now to draw away the pain that Tessa has been causing me.

"We broke up remember?" I wave my hand in Molly's face.

"Yeah right. Everyone knows you two break up for a day and then get back together the next."

We keep walking on the sidewalk and it seems that we're approaching a busier part of this district of New York. I immediately get annoyed. The last thing I want to be in is a sea of people. 

"No this time is different. This time we're seriously broken up. No more of Tessa."

"Seriously?" Molly asks.

"Seriously." I answer back.

I see a small grin erupt from Molly's face.

"Good I was getting tired of seeing her face anyway. Blondes aren't any fun anyways." She teases and sticks out her tongue.

"I knew you always had a thing for brunettes." She whispers in my ear.


I laugh to myself.

"Your fucking whole head is pink, I wouldn't really call that brunette Molly." I hiss through my teeth.

"Okay fair enough. But just saying, you always liked me first and you always will."

"What do you mean?"

"Admit it Harry. You need me, more than you need Tessa. She's just temporary and you'll get bored with her soon. In fact you already did."

"Molly shut up already."

I'm getting tired by her constant talking, and I'm starting to think I should have just brought that waitress girl May home instead of bringing this walking headache with me. 

"Don't be so rude to me Harry, your the one who called me over here in the first place." 

"Okay then I can so easily un-call you because you are annoying the fuck out of me right now and I am way too hung-over to deal with this nonsense."

God dammit. First Tessa, then the police, then Tessa again, and now Molly. I swear if one more person pisses me off today, I'm going to lose i.

"Fine. I'm going then. Tessa might take the bull-shit you say everyday but I'm not going to." Molly says and begins to walk in the other direction.

What the fuck? Since when did Molly gave the balls to speak to me like that, if anything she used to beg to be in my bed. Actually, when did everyone think they can start telling me off? 

"Wait!" I yell and I grab Molly's hand.

I see a couple of people walking give us weird stares but I don't give a shit. If I let Molly leave, that could jeopardize everything and I need to use her right now. 

"What?" I see her scrunch her face. 

I keep my grip tight on her wrist, I see her winch in pain. The fact that I have to succumb to the level of begging Molly to stay with me is probably the lowest I've gone. 

"Don't leave." I demand.

"Why shouldn't I Harry?" 

I pause.

"Because I want you Molly." She asks and her eyes dilate when she says that sentence. 

I know her. I know the look in Molly's eye when she's horny. I can tell she wants to get the fuck of this street and she wants me to bend her over and have her my way.

I grin at the pleasure. I love the pleasure I provide for women. They are so easy. It makes me life so much easier when I don't even have to try. 

"You want me?" I pull her closer and I feel her soft breathing on my cheek.

"I want to fuck you so hard Molly. On my bed. Right now." I whisper in her left ear.

I look and she Molly's cheeks flush red and her lips pucker. She wants me right now. I can tell that look in a girl's eye when she wants me.

"Harry.. I... I've been waiting to hear you say those words to me. I want you so bad right now. I want to help you forget about her. I'll help you forget about Tessa." She whispers in my ear again.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. This is so wrong. I know it's wrong. My gut feeling is telling me that fucking Molly is going to make this situation even worse, but I can't help it. My heart is numb right now and everything in my head is pounding. Talking to Molly is distracting me but not completely taking the pain away.

Everything I do is to take the pain away. Everything I abuse, from drugs, alcohol, to even girls. I'm so fucked up but I can't help it. 

I want to fuck Molly right now and forget about Tessa.

"Help me forget about her." I say to Molly and push her up against a side alley.

I start kissing her mouth and Molly responds aggressively. I notice the difference immediately between Tessa and Molly's kiss. Tessa's is more innocent and slow when starting, Molly starts off like me aggressive and strong. 

"Fuck I can't stop myself." I push her harder against the brick wall and I hear her wince is pain.

"Harry not here, let's go back to your place." She practically moans in my ear. 

"Okay let's hurry. I don't have any condoms, do you?"

"I don't think so. It doesn't matter. I'm on the pill anyway. Let's just go, how far are we from your from your place?"

I release my grip from Molly and pull out my phone. 

"Fuck." I say out loud.

"What, what is it?" Molly asks.

"It's a thirty minute walk." I look back to her and her flushed face. 

"Let's just take a taxi and I'll pay for it." She says.

"Okay, deal."

I watch as Molly calls the taxi over and the taxi driver maneuvers his way to the traffic and over to us. 

"Where to?" The driver says.

I tell him the address, practically shove Molly in the back seat on the car and we are on my way to the apartment for some fun.

*End of chapter 23!! PLEASE PLEASE LIKE/COMMENT/STAR. You guys who's excited for the trailer to drop in two days!! Ah!!! I literally cannot wait, chapter 24 tomorrow, I know many of you guys are pissed at me for creating the story like but alas I cannot help it :) I love drama!

*Also, CAN everyone please relax with the "I don't like where this story is going stop writing it blah blah blah, that's the whole point of story they are supposed to evoke some type of emotion in you, whether its annoyance or hatred it's our job as writers to make you have some type of feeling towards the book whether good or bad, and even though Harry and Tessa have been through a lot, yes they can still fight with each other, etc. So you can be mad at me all you want, but that's not going to make me stop writing!!

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