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     Today was graduation day. Braxton hadn't made any effort to try to get me back. I'm starting to think that he doesn't even care about me or the boys anymore. I got up and got dressed in something comfortable. I was getting the boys out of their cribs when my calendar caught my eye.
     That can't be right. I flipped back and saw the same thing. I haven't had my period for two months? How could I not notice this?

"Hey sweety are you up?" my mom said coming into my room.

     I was too busy looking at my calendar and trying to do calculations in my head.

"What's wrong?" she asked walking over to me.

"I'm late." I said.

"How late?"

"Two months."

"Well maybe you're just off because you had the boys. But let's just have you take a test to calm your nerves."

     How could I be so careless? I mean I had two one month old babies in the room next to me to remind me. My mom came back with three of them and a bottle of water for me. After drinking the water I went do my business.

"Everything's going to be alright hunny." she said.

     I wasn't so sure about that. What if I actually was pregnant again? How would I take care of a newborn and three month old twins? Braxton and I aren't exactly on speaking terms.

"Phoebe it's time for you to look." my mom said.

     I looked at it and cried.

"Mom what am I going to do?" I sobbed.

"Shh. It's okay. Everything's fine." she said trying to soothe me.

"But I'm pregnant."

"I know and it's going to be okay."


     I was upstairs in my room looking at myself in my mirror. It was almost time for the graduation. I put my hands on my stomach and smiled. I have a part of Braxton growing in me. I decided that I was going to talk to him after graduation.
     I was the only one arguing and I shouldn't have been.

"Phoebe come on." mom called from downstairs.

"Coming." I said.

     We arrived at the school and Noah, Kailey, and I went join our classmates.

"Are you guys ready for this?" I asked.

"I'm kind of nervous." Kailey said.

     After a short while we all lined up and made our way to our seats.

"Good evening everyone." our principal said.

"Good evening." we all said.

"Before we start one of our teachers, Mr. Braxton Martino would like to say a few words."

     The principal went back to his seat and Braxton walked up to the podem. What is he doing?

"Welcome everyone. I just want to make a quick announcement before we get this graduation started. I just want to let a special person know I'm sorry. I just want to tell her that she's one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I'm sorry for being a jerk and an arse. And I was hoping that you'd take me back." he said.

     Then he went take his seat. I can't believe he just did that. Now I definitely have to apologize. The graduation started and before we knew it we were receiving our diplomas. We were lined up near the stage so we could walk across the stage to Braxton and get our diaplomas then take a seat on the stage.

"You're in the wrong spot." Selena said.

"No I'm not." I said.

"Yes you are. You've been in the wrong spot since the graduation started. Your last name begins with T so get by the Ts."

     I ignored her. When we had graduation practice I stood with Noah and Kailey, but that wasn't where I was suppose to be. I waited for my name to be called before walking onto the stage.

"Phoebe Martino." the principal called.

     I bet the class was shocked to hear that. I walked over to Braxton and shook his hand. We had to take a picture.

"I'm sorry." he whispered.

"No I'm sorry. I handled that situation wrong. I believe you and I trust you. I never doubted you. I love you." I said.

"I love you too."

     After the photographer took our picture I went to my seat. Everyone else followed and I saw that Selena was trying to get touchy with Braxton. If she wants her hand she better take it off my husband. A few more people said some stuff then it was time for graduation to end.

"I now present to you the graduating class of 2014." the principal said.

     Everyone in the audience clapped and cheered for us. We all filed off the stage and gathered outside where we threw our hats up. We all caught a hat then we by our families.

"I can't believe my babies graduated." our mom said.

"We love you too mom." we said.

     Payton was bouncing up and down in my mom's arms.

"Come here baby." I said.

     I grabbed him from her and he smiled.

"I have to go talk to Braxton. I'll be back." I said.

     On my way over to Braxton I spotted Vince and his parents. He noticed me and motioned for me to come over.

"Hello." I said.

"Mom. Dad. This is Phoebe. Phoebe these are my parents Jessica and Raymond." Vince said.

"Hi dear." his mom said.

"And this pudgy little boy in her arms is Payton your grandson."

"Why didn't you tell us before we could have gotten things for the baby to help her out."

"That's ok. I have everything." I said.

     I gave Payton to his dad before walking off to go find Braxton. Payton deserves to know his other grandparents. Braxton was leaning against a tree when I found him.

"Hey." I said.

"Hi Mrs. Martino." he said smiling.

     I couldn't help but blush.

"If you'll forgive me the boys and I would like to come back home." I said.

     He wrapped his arms around my waist before pulling me in for a kiss. When we pulled back someone gasped. I turned to look and saw Selena.

"I knew something was going on. I'm going tell the principal." she said before walking off.

     Braxton and I just laughed.

"I have something to tell you." I said.

"What is it?" he asked.

     I took one of his arms from around my waist and put his hand on my stomach.

"We're going to have a baby." I said smiling.

     He looked at me and kissed me. My life couldn't be better than it already was. I have a great family, two boys I couldn't live without, another little miracle on the way, and a wonderful husband. What more could I want?

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