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"Are you sure it's okay?" I asked.

"Phoebe they're going to be fine." Braxton said.

"But they're still so young."

     A month had passed by which meant it was time for me to go back to school.

"Everything's going to be okay."

     Once our moms showed up we left. We pulled up at the school and I kissed Braxton before getting out the car.

"Hey Phoebe how are you and the boys?" Lexi asked.

"Good." I said.

"How do you feel?" Melanie asked.

"I miss my babies." I said.

"I know." Kailey said.

"Does it get any easier?"


"You could've lied to me."

"Hey Phoebe." Vince said making his way towards us.

"I miss my babies." I said leaning on him.

"It's alright." he said rubbing my back.

"Come on let's get you to your fianceé." Kailey said steering me away from Vince.

"How is that gonna help? The only thing I want to do is see my babies." I said.

"Glad to know I'm appreciated." Braxton said.

"You know what I meant." I said walking into his class.

"I know."

     Kailey left and closed the door behind her.

"Come here I have something I want to show you." he said.

     I made my way towards him and sat on his lap.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I set up the webcam so we can see the boys anytime we want." he said.

"Really? Do it now."


     He clicked on the webcam thing and my mom popped up holding Payton.

"Hey mom." I said.

"Hi Phoebe." she said.

"Someone misses their babies already." Braxton said.

"Mom turn Payton towards the computer so he can see me."

     She turned Payton towards the computer and he looked at it with a confused look.

"Hey baby." I said.

     When I said that he started bouncing. My mom picked up Paxton and he did the same thing his brother did. Shortly after the stupid bell rang ending my time with my babies.

"We'll talk to you later." Braxton said.

"Bye mom." I said.

"Bye you two." she said.

     Braxton turned off the webcam and closed the laptop.

"I don't want to go to class." I said.

"Well you have to. Besides you only have a month and some days left of school."

"I think I should be home schooled."



"Phoebe you don't have that long to go."

"I miss the boys though."

"You're going to be fine."

     I went through the whole day not paying attention to one thing any of my teachers said. Someone could have told me the school was burning down and I wouldn't have heard them.

"Are you ready to go?" Braxton asked.

"Yea I can't wait to get home to my babies." I said.

"They are fine. You're worrying too much."

"Well I won't be put at ease until I see them."

     When we pulled up at the house I didn't even wait for Braxton to come open my door before getting out. I opened the front door and walked into the living room where Rosemary and my mom were with the boys.

"Welcome back." my mom said.

     I walked over to the playpen and picked up Payton.

"Hello baby I missed you." I said before kissing his cheek.

"Forgive her she has baby withdrawal syndrome." Braxton said walking into the living room.

"Hi son." Rosemary said.

"Hi mom. Hi Henrietta."

"Hi Braxton." my mom said.

"Braxton I know you miss the boys too." I said.

"Yes I do." he said.

     I put Payton down and picked up Paxton. I wanted both of them to feel like I was giving them the same amount of attention and not any less than his brother. Our mom's left shortly after we arrived so it was just us and the boys. We put them in their swings so I could get my homework done and Braxton could grade his papers.

"How are you doing over there?" Braxton asked.

"Good except for the fact that my history teacher gave me a stupid paper to do." I said giving a pointed look in his direction.

"Well lucky for you if you need any help you have the teacher right here."

     I rolled my eyes and went back to doing my paper. Once I was done I fed the boys, then put them down for their nap.

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