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     On the way to the hospital Braxton was driving like a maniac.

"Braxton slow down." I said.

     He was extremely nervous. We got to the hospital and Braxton helped me inside. Everyone was giving us weird looks. Guess they weren't use to people coming in dressed for a wedding.

"My fianceé is going into labor." Braxton said.

     A nurse bought over a wheelchair and I was wheeled to the back. They brought me into a room and a doctor checked how far along I was.

"You're four centimeters dilated." he said.

     Then he left.

"Call Johnny or Noah and tell them go get the baby bag home and the carseats." I said.

"Ok." Braxton said.

     He took out his phone and dialled while leaving the room. Looks like my wedding day just turned into the twins' birthday.

"You guys were that eager to see mommy and daddy that you couldn't wait five more minutes?" I asked putting my hand on my stomach with a smile.

"Johnny's bringing the bag." Braxton said coming back in the room.

     I just wanted to see my babies already.


"One more big push." the doctor said.

     After I couple of minutes it was time for me to push. I had gone from four to ten centimeters so fast I couldn't even get an epidural.

"Come on Phoebe. You can do it baby." Braxton said.

"Shut the hell up Braxton!" I yelled squeezing his hand.

     I was in so much pain right now. I gave another push like a was told and heard a cry.

"It's a boy." the doctor said.


     I had to wait another 10 minutes to give birth again. I shouted profanity at Braxton who was nothing but encouraging. The nurse cleaned off the boys and gave them to us.

"Braxton I'm sorry for cursing you out." I said.

"It's okay. I know you didn't mean it. You were just in pain." he said smiling at me.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"So what are they're names?" the nurse asked.

"Could you give us a minute?" I asked.

"Sure." she said.

     I had their names picked out I just wanted to discuss their last names with their dads even though Braxton's name was going to be on their birth certificates.

"Braxton can you go get Steve and Vince for me? I need to ask them something." I said.

"Ok." he said.

     He handed me the baby he was holding, then left. Two minutes later Steve and Vince walked in.

"So what did you want?" Steve asked.

"I wanted to discuss their last name with you." I said.

     They both walked to a side of the bed and I handed them each a baby.

"What about it?" Vince asked.

"I want to give the boys Braxton's last name, but if you two don't want me to then I'll give them my last name." I said.

"Didn't we agree to let him sign his name as their dad on the birth certificates?"


"Then you have your answer." Steve said.

"What are their names?" Vince asked.

"I'll tell you after I tell Braxton." I said.

     They handed the boys back and left. Braxton came back in shortly after.

"Do you want to know their names?" I asked.

"Yea." he said taking one of them.

"Paxton and Payton Martino."

"Which one is which?"

"You're holding Paxton and I have Payton."

"For a set of fraternal twins they sure do look identical."

"I know."

     Both boys looked like me but they had their dad's eyes and Payton had a patch of light freckles across the bridge of his nose. The nurse came back and we told her their names. She went type the information and came back with the birth certificates for us to sign. We also told her that the twins needed a dna test and we told her the name of the guys who she needed the dna from too.

"So who do you think is the father of who?" Braxton asked.

"I know who belongs to who." I said.

"Wanna make a bet out of it?"

"Alright. Whoever's wrong has to do all the housework for a month."


"I say Paxton is Steve's son and Payton is Vince's son."

"And I say Payton is Steve's son and Paxton is Vince's son."

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