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Braxton's POV

     Once Phoebe was dressed we got in the car and left. I hoped she really like this place. We pulled up 15 minutes later at a huge house.

"Braxton what is this?" she asked.

"Let's just go check it out first." I said.

We walked all throughout the house and I could see her face lighting up.

"This house is amazing." she said.

"I'm glad you think so, because it's our's." I said.


"I brought this house for us."

"You're too...I...Bra..."

     She was so happy she couldn't finish her sentence.

"Let's go see the master bedroom." I said grabbing her hand.

     I had spelled something out on the bed in rose petals, but you had to get up close to see.

"What's on the bed?" she asked.

"Go see." I said.

     She looked at the bed, then turned around to look at me.

"Braxton what is..."

     She stopped when she saw me on one knee.

"I know that you already answered me, but I wanted to make sure that you were sure and that it wasn't just a heat of the moment answer, because of what we'd just went through. And I know that my second proposal won't be anywhere near as good as the first one, but here goes nothing. Phoebe I love you and I can't imagine my life without you and I wouldn't want to. I don't deserve you or to be apart of your sons' lives, but I want to. I can't imagine not waking up with you by my side everyday. So I'm asking you again will you marry me?" I said.

"Braxton I wasn't just caught up in the moment the first time, but I'll answer you again. Yes, I will marry you." she said.

     I got up and kissed her.

"So when do you want to move into our house?" I asked.

"After our wedding." she said.

     We went back home and spent the day watching movies. After our wedding the guys and I had a lot of moving to do. I couldn't wait for us to be married.


Phoebe's POV

"Phoebe hurry up!" Kailey shouted upstairs to me.

"I'm coming! Don't rush a 7 month pregnant girl who's pregnant with twins!" I shouted down to her.

     That's right I was now 7 months pregnant. O and another thing. Tomorrow was the wedding. The time passed by fast and now I was headed over to Braxton's parents' house where Kailey, Lexi, Melanie, Claudia, Rosemary, and my mom would be.

"Alright you're all packed." Braxton said.

"Thanks." I said.

     I pulled him in for a kiss and we started making out. Even though it would only be one night I would miss Braxton. He pulled back and stared at me.

"Let's go before Kailey comes and pulls you away." he said.

     He grabbed my bag and I followed him out.

"What took you so long?" Kailey asked.

"Maybe Braxton wanted..."

"Don't even finish that sentence Noah." dad said.

     All the guys were over here. I convinced Braxton to let Vince be one of his groomsmen. He wasn't thrilled about it but he did it for me. I kissed him one last time then left.

"So how do you feel?" Kailey asked.

"A little nervous." I admitted.

"You aren't getting cold feet on us are you?" she joked.

"Please don't do that?"

"So are you going to tell Melanie and Lexi?"

"Yeah. It's about time I told them about the groom."

     It took us about two hours to get to Braxton's parents house. They were staying in the same house where we spent Thanksgiving. Kailey helped me out of the car and into the living room where everyone was.

"Lexi and Melanie I want to tell you guys who the groom is. Don't freak out ok. It's Braxton." I said.

"Why does that name sound familiar?" Lexi asked.

     I looked at Melanie and saw that something had clicked.

"You don't mean our history teacher do you?" she asked trying to hide her smile.

     I nodded biting my lip.

"You slut." she joked lightly shoving me.

"You two are going to make such a cute couple." Lexi said.

"That's what I said." Kailey said.

"Um. I think I'm going to retire for the night." I said.

"No you don't. You're going to have your bachelorette party." Claudia said.

"Fine, but only because my two maids of honor went through so much trouble to put it together."

     I know that I was only suppose to have one but I couldn't decide between Claudia and Kailey, so I chose both and Braxton made Johnny and Noah his best men. It was only fair.

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