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     Well it turned out that the paint was an oil-based paint so we had to sleep in the guestroom downstairs. Today the guys were putting together the twins things.

"Why am I only allowed to put together one thing for the twins?" I asked.

"Because you shouldn't lift anything heavy while your pregnant." Braxton said.

"But I want to help."

"And you will. You being safe will help me a lot. Besides Kailey and Reyna are coming over so you'll have some company."

"Remind me why did I fall for you again?"

"Look at me. How could you not?"

"Whatever Mr. Giant ego."

"And darn proud of it."

     I just had to laugh. This is why we never really had an argument. Whenever we'd start to fuss he'd find a way to make it into a joke and we'd laugh it off.

"Find I'll go sit like a good girl." I pouted.

"Thank you." he said.

     I picked up my phone off the couch and saw that I had four text messages. I had changed my number but somehow he managed to get this number too.

Can't wait to see you.

He can't protect you forever.

Phoebe sweetie do you know what you're doing to me hanging out with that OTHER man?

     He had other in bold and italics.

You're time with him is coming to an end.

     The last one scared me the most. I didn't want to know what he meant by that. Why won't he leave me alone? My phone vibrated in my hand.

You belong to me.

Leave me ALONE! - Phoebe

     I texted him back.

Now you know I can't do that. You belong to me.

I am not an object. I belong to no one. - Phoebe

I miss that sense of humor of yours so much.

Please just leave me alone? - Phoebe

We both know I can't do that.

     I brought my phone upstairs to our room and put it in a drawer. I didn't want to see it anyway more. Those texts and phone calls are only proof that he's out and that he's coming for me. I can't think about it anymore. It's only causing me to stress which isn't good.

"Phoebe what are you doing?" Braxton asked.

     I jumped startled by his voice.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah you just startled me a little." I said.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine I know you didn't mean to."

"Anyway everyone's here."

     We went and join them. Johnny and Noah had opened up a couple of boxes and were looking at the instructions.

"How does this thing go?" Johnny asked flipping the instructions every which way trying to make sense of it.

"You've obviously never put baby furniture together." Noah said.

"It's a playpen it goes like this." Kailey said taking the instructions from Johnny and flipping it the right way before giving it back.

"He's not setting up the playpen." I told Braxton.

"Why not?" Johnny asked offended.

"First off because you had the instructions upside down and second you were looking at the German instructions."

"Is that anyway to talk to your possible birth brother?"


"See our possible birth sister agrees with me." Noah said.

     I couldn't help but smile. I loved these guys. Even if the DNA came back that I wasn't their sister I'd still think of them as my brothers.

"Whatever I'm going to start on the changing table." Johnny said.

"Someone hand me one of the rockers." I said sitting next to Kailey.

     Braxton looked at me.

"Relax Kailey's going to help me." I said.

"Yup. Everything's going to be fine. Trust us." Kailey said.

"I'll try." Braxton said.

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