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>.< Don't kill me for this I ready had it planned out.


     When we got home it had to be going on midnight.

"So what were Vince and you talking about?" Braxton asked.

     We had just walked into our house.

"He knows about us." I said.

"What? How did he find out?" he asked.

"Well someone shouldn't have kissed me outside the mesh hall. Relax he said he wouldn't tell anyone."

"Let's hope so."

"I'm going to go get ready for bed see you in a few."


     We kissed then I went upstairs. As soon as I pulled my phone out I got a text.

Time's up

     What does that mean? Before I could even think about it anymore there was a loud crash downstairs.

"Braxton?" I said.

     There was no answer.

"Braxton?" I tried again.

     I started making my way downstairs with my five month belly. Why didn't anyone tell me you get fatter faster when you're pregnant with twins? A man was in front of me stopping me from going downstairs. I screamed which was the only thing my mind could come up with at the time. The man tied a piece of cloth around my eyes, hands, and mouth.

He lead me down the stairs, out the door, and into what I assumed was a car. What's going on? I felt a head fall onto my shoulder. The cloth slipped off my eyes and I could see. Guess it wasn't tight enough.
     I turned my head to my left and saw Braxton laying his head on my shoulder. He was unconscious. What did they do to him? Tears started falling from my eyes and onto his head. Please let him be okay.
     I knew I shouldn't have gotten involved with him. Who are these guys? What do they want? Do they work for Alvin?

"Hey fix her blindfold she can see." the guy driving said.

"Come here." the guy sitting next to me said.

     He fixed the cloth so it wouldn't fall off again.

"We're good." he said.

     I guess he was talking to the driver. We took off and I had no idea where we were going. I wanted everything to go back to normal. I wanted to be home asleep in Braxton's arms. Why was this happening to us?


     I think I cried myself to sleep because when I woke up I was in a room. I have didn't the pieces of cloth on me anymore. Guess the guy took it off. Where was I though and where was Braxton? The door opened and in walked the woman I hated.

"What do you want?" I asked anger seething from my words.

"I was sent to check up on you." she said.

"Well leave because I don't want to see you."

"Phoebe please I know..."

"You don't have any right to talk to me. Not after what you did."

"I only did that because I love you."

"Well I didn't belong to you."

"Are you hungry?" she asked changing the subject.

     She didn't like to hear when she was wrong.

"I'm not eating anything from you it could be poison." I said.

"I would never poison my own daughter." she said offended I would even think of something like that.

"I'm not your daughter."

     She sighed defeated.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have taken you away from that family." she said.

"You're right you shouldn't have." I said.

"Phoebe can we just forgot about that?"

"Sure let's just pretend that the last 14 years of my life didn't happen." I said sarcastically.

"I'm going to go get you something to eat." she said before leaving out.

     I hope she doesn't come back. I would walk out the door, but I know no one's stupid enough to leave the door unlocked so that their captive could escape. I wonder where they put Braxton? The door opened and the guy who had kidnapped me walked in with some food.

"Boss said you need to eat." he said.

"Is it poisoned?" I asked.


"Did Nina Morris make it?"


"Did you lie when I asked you those questions?"

"No. Geez. What are you trying to get at? Is this suppose to be 20 questions?"

     He put the food down and left. I was hungry but I wasn't going to trust the food just yet. I just wanted to know if Braxton was okay. If something had happened to him I would never be able to forgive myself. I started crying again.
     Just let him be okay.

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