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     Today was Saturday also known as Christmas Eve. Braxton and I were given the okay to go home today. Johnny was by earlier and had dropped off Braxton's car so that we could go home.

"Wait Phoebe there's something I want to do before we leave." Braxton said.

"What is it?" I asked.

     We had just signed our release papers so we were near the waiting room. Braxton grabbed my hands and got down on one knee. My eyes got huge. Is he doing what I think he's doing?

"Phoebe I know that I've only known you for about five months but I already know that you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. When we were taken hostage and separated I kept thinking about you and the boys. I didn't care about myself I just wanted the three of you to be okay. As you can see I'd risk my life for you. You've been through so much. You've been hurt so bad that you don't think that you should be with anyone. Well you're wrong. Phoebe you deserve so much more than I can give you but if you let me I'll spend the rest of my life trying to make you happy. Phoebe will you marry me?" he said.

     Was he being serious? He was staring at me waiting for my answer.

"Yes." I said.

     He got up and kissed me. He pulled something out of his back pocket. It was a velvet case.

"Can't forget about the ring." he said.

     He opened it. There in the middle of the case sat a diamond ring. It was shaped like a flower with a diamond in the middle. He took the ring out and slipped it on my finger.

"Braxton it's beautiful thank you." I said.

     We left out the hospital and got in his car. I couldn't wait to go home.


"I miss this place." Braxton said when he walked in the door.

"Me too." I said.

"So when do you want to head over to my parents?"

     I groaned and Braxton laughed.

"I know you wanted to sit down and relax." he said.

     I laid down on the couch and tried to bury my face in the back of it.

"I'll go pack our things you just lay down." he said.

     He went upstairs leaving me alone. My phone rang and I pulled it out answering it.

"Hello." I said.

"Phoebe are you okay?" Steve asked.

"I'm fine and the boys are fine." I said.

"That's good. What about lover boy?"

"Braxton's okay too."

"If I knew you two were still in there I would've got the two if you outta there."

"I know Steve. We're all okay though. You have nothing to worry about."

"We'll talk again later." he said before hanging up.

     I put my phone up and fell asleep.


     When I woke up I was in a strange room. What is this place? Please don't tell me that one of Alvin's men is getting revenge because Alvin is dead. I rolled over and Braxton was asleep. That made me relax.
     I closed my eyes again and moved closer to him. Hopefully we can forget what happened and began our new life together.

"Phoebe babe wake up it's Christmas." Braxton said shaking me.

"Let me sleep." I said annoyed.

"Everyone wants to see you."


"You can go back to sleep later. Let's go tell them the news."


     He helped me out the bed and we made our way downstairs to the living room.

"They're up." my mom said.

"Are you two okay?" Rosemary asked.

"We're fine mom." Braxton said.

"Well come open your presents with us." my mom said.

     I walked over to the couch and sat down.

"Here open this one first." Noah said sitting the present on my lap.

     I looked at it and saw who is was from.

"It says it's from Braxton." I said looking at him confused.

     He had the same confused look on his face.

"I hope you guys don't mind but we did your present shopping for you. You know once we knew you were okay." my mom said.

"Yeah that's okay." I said.

     We all spent most of the morning opening presents.

"Okay now everyone go get changed we're going out to celebrate Phoebe and Braxton being okay." Dennis said.

"We actually have two things to celebrate dad." Braxton said.

"Braxton and I are engaged." I said.

"Congratulations sweetie." my mom said.

"You two are a perfect couple." Rosemary said.

"Um can we do this later I'm kind of hungry." I said.

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