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     The bell for class rang and I got up and left. Students were in the hallway trying to get to their class. I really didn't want to go to class. I turned around and went back to Braxton's class.

"What are you doing back?" he asked looking up from his computer.

"I don't wanna go to class." I said.

"Why not?"

"Too tired."

"Why don't you just go to Johnny's class then if you're still tired you can come back to my class and sleep in my office."


     I walked out of his class again and headed to Johnny's class. He had already started teaching but I knew he wasn't going to tell me anything. I walked in and all eyes turned to me.

"Sorry I'm late." I said.

"That's alright just take your seat." Johnny said.

     I took my seat in the front row. Some students started whispering. Probably about my baby bump. My thoughts were confirmed when I heard some of their conversations.

"Do you think it's true?" one girl whispered.

"It has to be the proof is right there." another whispered.

"I bet she doesn't even know who the dad is." Selena said out loud.

     I turned to look at her. I was seriously growing tired of her crap.

"Selena apologize to Phoebe." Johnny said.

"Why? It's true." she said.

"That's it. Selena you have two weeks detention."


"Go to the office."

     She got up and left but not before sneering at me.

"Phoebe are you alright? Do you want to go call home?" Johnny asked.

     I knew what he meant when he asked that last part.

"I'm okay." I said.

     He gave me another look before he went back to teaching. After class ended I went back to Braxton's class. I knew I couldn't go to the rest of my classes now after what happened in first hour. Selena and I had all the same classes. If I went to my classes I would probably end up doing something that could harm my babies and I wasn't willing to take that risk.

"Johnny told me what happened." Braxton said.

"Selena needs to stop being such a bitch." I said.

"Don't worry about her just focus on our babies." he said getting up and walking over to me rubbing my stomach.

     I love this man so much it hurts.


     Lunch time rolled around and I decided that I would get my lunch then come back in here and eat with Braxton.

"There goes the little whore now." Selena said.

     She and a couple other students were standing by a group of lockers.

"Mr. Wayne isn't here to protect you now. Although I don't understand why he would want to." she said sneering at me.

     I continued walking to the cafeteria. She put her foot out and it was too late when I noticed. I put my hands out and closed my eyes bracing myself for the impact. I had my eyes closed for a while before I realized that it never came. I opened my eyes and saw Vince had caught me.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yea." I said.

"What the hell Selena? She's pregnant. You could've made her have a miscarriage and she could've sued you."

"I don't care. It isn't my fault she got pregnant. The bitch deserves to lose her baby." she said smirking.

     The next few minutes felt like they were in slow motion. Selena could talk about me all she wanted but when she talked about my babies she crossed the line. I don't know how but I ripped out of Vince's hold and charged at her. She was too busy laughing to notice me. I grabbed a hand full of that fake ass hair of her's and banged her face into the lockers.
     Her head connected with the lockers and made a loud crashing sound. Her head bounced back and you could see the blood pouring out of her nose. The bitch deserved it.

"You fucking whore!" she said.

"No one talks about my babies!" I said.

     I knew that no one else besides Braxton, Johnny, Noah, Kailey, Vince, Steve, Braxton's parents, and me knew this. Well now everyone would know.

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