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     I went to the bathroom and showered and did whatever else I had to before going in the room and getting dressed. After I got dressed I called Braxton while walking into the kitchen.

"Hey Braxton." I said.

"Hi babe." he said.

"What are you doing?"


"Then why did you answer you're phone?"

"Because I wanted to hear your voice. Beside the class is doing book work. They're fine."

"Mr. Martino who are you talking to?" I heard some kid ask.

"My girlfriend." he said.

     I could hear everyone in the background.

"My class said hey." he said with a smile in his voice.

"Tell them hi." I said smiling.

"She said hi." he told them.

     If only they knew who he was talking to.

"So what are you doing?" he asked.

"Warming the food you made for me. Thank you you didn't have to do that."

"I wanted to."

"Well anyway get back to teaching and call me when you're on break."

"Alright. Bye mi corazón."

"Goodbye Braxton."

     I hung up and went into the living room eating my food. It felt weird not having Braxton here with me. My phone rang and I saw Vince was calling.

"Yes?" I asked.

     I couldn't really be rude to him after what he did yesterday.

"Phoebe I wanna talk. Can you met me at the coffee shop a lil ways from my house?" he said.

"I don't know." I said.

"I promise I won't pull what I did last time."


"Thanks. See you in 15." he said before hanging up.

     I scrolled through my contacts and pressed the number I knew I could relay on right now.

"Hey Steve." I said.

"What can I do for you Phoebe?" he asked.

"Vince invited me to go to the coffee shop so we could talk and..."

"And you don't want to go alone because you're afraid he might try and pulled something." he said cutting me off.


"Say no more I'm your guy. Met you outside your house in five."


     I hung up and went change clothes. I currently had on one of Braxton's shirts and a pair of his shorts. I didn't need Vince to be suspicious. I pulled on my pregnancy washed jeans and a red shirt. I also grabbed Braxton's hoodie that was a almost a perfect fit for me.
     I could easily pass this off as my own. I opened the door and Steve was waiting for me.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Let's go." I said.

     We got in his car and he drove to the coffee shop where Vince was suppose to be.

"Wait out here." I said.

     I didn't need him right now. He'd know when to come in. I walked into the shop and looked for Vince. He was sitting towards the back of the shop. I walked over and sat across from him.

"Hey." I said.

     He looked up and smiled at me.

"You made it." he said.

"Yea." I said.

"I just want to apologize for what Selena did and how I acted when you came over to tell me about the babies the first time."

"I have to tell you something. Both babies aren't yours just one."

     I was waiting for him to blow up. To call me a whore and a slut and tell me get out of his face but he didn't.

"Okay. I want to be there for my child though. I know that I already signed over my rights and I wouldn't ask you to have them back. I was thinking that I could be more of an uncle to both babies of course." he said.

"Alright." I said.

"Vince what are you doing here with her!" I heard that annoying voice say.

"Selena I broke up with you after you accused my baby's mother of being a whore and after you almost made her lose our babies." he said.

"But we can't be over. We're supposed to stay together throughout high school then go to college together and get married."

"Well you should have thought about that before you did what you did."


"I don't want to be near you right now Selena." he said cutting her off.

     I never thought I'd see this day. Vince doesn't want to be associated with Selena.

"Come on Phoebe." Vince said.

"So now you're going out with her?!" Selena screeched.

     Vince ignored her and grabbed my hand leading me outside.

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