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     After school Braxton and I headed back to our house.

"Braxton." I said.

     The two of us were sitting on the couch watching tv with my legs in his lap.

"Yeah?" he said.

"What do you think about getting married around the end of next month?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter when we get married as long as I get to call you my wife."

"Can you call your sister for me?"


"Because I need to talk to her."

     He pulled out his phone and dialled Claudia before handing me the phone.

"Hey Claudia." I said getting up off the couch.

"Where are you going?" Braxton called.


"Hey Phoebe did you want something?" Claudia asked.

"Yeah. I was wondering if you'd be a bridesmaid in my wedding?"

"Of course."

"Great the wedding is the 16th of next month."

"That's barely enough time to do anything. Put my brother on the phone."

"Okay. Hold on."

     I walked back over to Braxton and gave him the phone.

"Yeah...Why...That's not a good reason...Fine whatever. Just make sure she doesn't get hurt...Bye." he said.

     Then he hung up.

"What'd she say?" I asked.

"That you were going to play hooky tomorrow so that my mom and her could take you dress shopping." he said.


     I sat back down on the couch next to Braxton. I started dozing off and Braxton carried me off to our bedroom. I couldn't wait to become Mrs. Braxton Martino.


"How about this dress?" Rosemary said.

"Or this one?" Claudia said.

"What about this one?" mom said.

     My mom, Rosemary, Claudia, and I were in a bridial shop trying to find a wedding dress for me. I had fallen asleep before I got a chance to tell my mom so I just told her when I woke up.

"They look kinda small." I said.

"I could let it out for you." my mom said.

"I think I'll just walk around a bit."

"If you find something let us know."

     I walked away from them to look for a dress on my own. I pulled out my phone and saw that Braxton had texted me. His and my mom made me put my phone on silent so I wouldn't answer his phone calls or texts.

Hey. I miss you. -Braxton

     I hurriedly texted him back before they could catch me.

Awe I miss u 2. -Phoebe

     I shoved my phone back in my pocket and continued looking for a dress. They had alot but none of them were really catching my eye.

"Can I help you with something?" someone asked.

     I turned around and saw a lady standing there. She looked like she worked here.

"Um. Yeah. I'm looking for a simple wedding maternity dress." I said.

"I think I know just the dress. I'll be right back." she said.

     The wedding wasn't that far away so I had alot to do.

"Here we are." the lady said.

     She came back carrying a simple knee length spaghetti strapped dress with a flower on the left strap. The dress had cloth like material from the end of the straps to under the chest part and the rest of it was silk like. I loved it. Hopefully I could fit it. The lady showed me to a dressing room where I put the dress on.
     It was a perfect fit but I'd get it let out for later. Once I was done I went to look for Rosemary, Claudia, and my mom.

"How do I look?" I asked.

     The three of them turned to look at me.

"You look wonderful." Rosemary said.

"I can't believe my baby girl's getting married." my mom said tears in her eyes.

"Mom I'm not going anywhere." I said.

"I know but you just came back into my life and I feel like I'm losing you all over again."

"But you're not. You're just making Braxton and his family part of our family."

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