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"Wow that's some ring."

"Who gave it to you?"

"It's gorgeous."

     Today was the first day back to school. No one had heard about Braxton and I being abducted which I was greatful for. Everyone was talking about my ring which Braxton had got me.

"Thanks my fianceé got it for me." I said smiling.

"Alright class settle down. Ms. Thorne you can gush over your ring at lunch." Braxton said in a knowning voice.

"Sorry sir." I said.

     I loved having Braxton all to myself and having no one know. I put my hands on my stomach and rubbed it. The boys kicked them. Only four more months to go. Vince was sitting next to me.
     When we got out if class I would tell him about the babies kicking. Braxton spent the whole class period talking about the three trade routes of the middle east. All I knew were the names. Anything beyond that was a loss to me. The bell rang and we filed out of the class.

"Vince." I said.

     He turned around to look at me.

"O. Hey Phoebe. How are you?" he said.

"I'm good. The boys are kicking." I said.


"Yeah go ahead. Feel."

     Vince put his hand on my stomach and the boys kicked it.

"Vince what are you doing? Get your hand off of her stomach." Selena said.

     Do I really still have to deal with her?

"Selena leave me alone. Just except the fact that we're through and that Phoebe and I are having babies already." Vince said.

"Vince babe stop acting like that." Selena said.

     I'm sick of her crap.

"Selena he broke up with you. Leave him alone. If you really care about him then you'll leave us alone to be a family." I said.

"You stay out of this." Selena said.

"Leave her alone Selena." Vince said.

"Vince quit taking up for her."

"Leave us alone."

"Quit taking up for her and come back to me."


"Please Vince?"

"Phoebe are you hungry?" Vince asked ignoring her.

"No I'm fine." I said.

"Vince quit ignoring me." Selena whined.

     She was embarrassing herself.

"Well if you're not hungry let me bring you to your next class." he said.

"That's okay I can make it by myself." I said.

"Alright. If you say so."

     I think he only offered to walk me because he was worried that Selena would try and do me something.


"It's so beatiful." Lexi said.

"That's one heck of a diamond." Melanie said.

     We were at lunch and Lexi and Melanie were of course staring at my ring.

"So who gave it to you? And why is it on your ring finger?" Melanie asked.

"Because it's an engagement ring given to me by my fianceé." I said.

"Who's you're fianceé?" Lexi asked.

"I promised I'd keep it a secret."

"Come on tell us we're your friends."

"Nope, but you guys are going to be in the wedding so you'll find out then."

"So when are you going to get married?" Kailey asked.

"Don't know but I want to do it before I have the boys."

"So anywhere between the next three months?"


"You think you'll be able to pull it off?" Lexi asked.

"Why not?"

"Noah you're okay with your sister getting married?" Melanie asked.

"He makes her happy so yeah." Noah said.

"Awe Phoebe you have a sweet brother." Lexi said.

"Yes I do." I said.

"Hey I'm not sweet." Noah said.

"Of course you're not babe." Kailey said.

"So are you two ever going to tie the knot?" Melanie asked.

"Maybe after we finish high school. Anyway back to Phoebe. If you're going to get married somewhere between now and the next three months then you need to start planning soon."

"Is this lunch going to turn into a wedding planning period?" Noah asked.


"I'm out. See you guys after lunch."

"Just like guys." Lexi said.

     Kailey pulled out an extra notebook she had and we got to work. I decided that I would have four bridesmaids that is if Braxton's sister said yes.

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