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Phoebe's POV

     I sat on the bed staring at the plate of food. My stomach had been growling for the past two hours but I didn't dare make a move towards the food. The door opened and he walked in. I moved to the farthest corner of the room and tried to smush myself into it.

"Don't act like that babe." he said.

"Alvin leave me be." I said.

"Come here."


"I haven't seen you in years. Let me take a look at you."

"Please Alvin just leave me alone?"

"I just want to take care of you and your baby."

"No. Me and my ba...baby are fine."

     Well at least he doesn't know that I'm having twins.

"Why did you do this to me?" he asked.

"What are you talking about?" I asked confused.

"Why did you go and let another man impregnate you? The baby inside of you was supposed to be my baby. Our baby."

     The door opened and Steve walked in. Alvin turned around irritated that someone had interupted him.

"What?" he asked irritated.

"Sorry to interrupt I just came to report." Steve said.

"So what'd he say?"

"Nothing. I'm letting him sweat a lil before I go back and question him again."

"Did you give it to him?" Alvin asked smiling.

"Yea. I gave it to him good."

     What were they talking about? Did Steve do something to Braxton? Alvin left out leaving me alone with Steve.

"What did you do to Braxton?" I asked.

"Besides punch him in the stomach nothing." he said as if it was nothing.

"Why'd you punch him in the stomach?"

"I had to make it look like I did something. Hey you got any makeup?"

"I saw some in the bathroom. Why?"

"So I can put fake bruises on your boyfriend."

     He went in the bathroom and took the makeup kit.

"Phoebe eat the food." he said.

"It might be poisonous." I said.

"No one around here is stupid enough to poison you when Alvin'll be quick to kill them but if you want a test taster I'll do it. And if it is poisonous and I don't make it tell my kid I love them."

"Don't say that."

"O so you do care about me."

"Of course I do you're the dad of one of my babies."

"Does Alvin know it's more than one?"


"Alright I'll make sure it stays that way."

     Steve walked over to the plate of food and took a piece.

"It's good." he said after a while.

"So I can eat it?" I asked.

"Yea. I'll bring you some more later." he said before leaving.

     Well at least I can eat the food.


     I somehow managed to fall asleep and when I woke up someone had their arm around my waist. At first I thought it was Braxton and started to relax, but something kept bugging me. His hand didn't feel right. Then I remembered that we were kidnapped and separated. I jolted up sitting straight in the bed.
     Looking down I saw that Alvin was in the bed with me. Why was he doing this to me? He was supposed to be with the woman who I thought was my mother. That was the main reason my mom beat me. She said that I stole her man from her.
     I never wanted anything that had to do with him. He always made passes at me, but Nina never saw it that way. She always saw it as me trying to flirt with him just because I was this young thing. I never liked him though. I remember when Nina first introduced me to him.
     I had this weird feeling about him but brushed it off because I wanted her to be happy.

"Babe what's wrong?" he asked sitting up.

"I don't love you." I blurted out.

     I have no idea why I said that. I knew it was true but why did I have to say it out loud?

"I miss your sense of humor." he said running his thumb across my bottom lip.

"Why are you doing this to me? You're supposed to be with N...my mom." I said.

"I never truly loved her. I thought I did until I met you."

"Why me?"

"I asked myself the same question. Why you?"

"Please just let us go."

"No." he growled pulling me closer to him.

"Why not?"

"Because now that I have you I'm never letting you go."

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