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     We had one more day before Thanksgiving break and I was now three months along in my pregnancy. My stomach was getting bigger and bigger everyday. I now had a bump which Braxton constantly stroked and kissed. Steve had come back like he said and he had the papers that said Vince and him had given up their parental rights. I still had no idea how he got Vince to do it.
     He probably threatened him which is why he avoided eye contact with me at school. I had agreed to let Steve be the godfather of both of the babies. Braxton said that he wanted to be the honorary father and I found that sweet. It made sense though since we were dating and he showed no signs of leaving anytime soon. Braxton had asked me to be his girlfriend last week and I said yes.
     We were watching Madea's Family Reunion the movie when his phone rang. He sighed before answering.

"Hola...Bueno y usted...Sí. ¿Què importa?...No sé... Voy a ver lo que puedo hacer, pero no puedo prometerte...Bien adiós." he said.

     Then he hung up. I didn't know he spoke Spanish.

"What?" he asked when he realized I was looking at him.

"You speak Spanish?" I asked looking at him shocked.

"Actually I am Spanish." he said.

     I just nodded. Now that he mentioned it he did kinda have an accent and his last name did sound spanish.

"My sister just called and roped me into spending Thanksgiving break with her and my parents. Which actually means that you and I were roped into it " he said.

"I don't mind. I'd love to meet your parents and sister." I said.

"Are you sure?"


"Alright we'll pack tomorrow after school."

     Right now on the movie Lisa was playing grit ball with Carlos. I love that part.

"Why's she doing that?" Braxton asked.

"Because she's tired of him beating on her." I said.

     After the movie ended Braxton helped me upstairs to bed.


     The last day before the break past by surprisingly fast and soon it was time for Braxton and me to pack. I was kinda nervous though. What if his family didn't like me because I'm pregnant? What if they thought I was just using him for his money?

"What's wrong?" Braxton asked.

"What if your family doesn't like me?" I asked nervously.

"Don't worry they will."

"But Braxton I'm pregnant with twins and they have two different dads."

"Phoebe how many times do I have to tell you that that isn't your fault? Trust me my family will love you."

"I still doubt it but I believe you."

     After we were done packing Braxton put our luggage in the car. He still wouldn't let me do anything he deamed too dangerous for me to do. He'd also brought another crib and two more of everything else we already had. I understood somethings but I asked why couldn't we just return the crib and get one for twins and he said that each baby should have their own crib. I put my foot down on getting another stroller and threatened to withhold everything so we ended up getting a stroller for twins.
     We got in the car and drove off.

"Hola...¿Qué la casa se ​​supone que debo ir a?...Gracías adiós." he said talking on his phone.

     I didn't even bother to try and understand what he just said. I tried to stay up but I couldn't. When I woke up someone was gently shaking me.

"Mhn..." I said opening my eyes.

"Phoebe we're here." Braxton said.

"I'm tired."

"I'll carry you to a room."

     I held my arms out like a toddler who wanted to be picked up. Braxton just chuckled and picked me up. He spoiled me too much and I had a feeling that when I had the twins he would do the same to them. I knew that he'd make a great father. I wonder if anyone was here already?
     Right now I didn't care all I wanted was a bed.

"No one's here guess we're early." Braxton said as he laid me on the bed.

     I just mumbled sleepily.

"I'm going to go get our things out the car I'll be right back." he said.

"Mkay." I replied half asleep.

     He kissed my forehead before leaving the room. What would I do without him? I loved him and didn't want to loose him. I still worried about it even though he told me over and over again that he wasn't leaving me.

The ArrangementOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora