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"Alright time to see who has to pay up." I said holding the dna test results in my hands.

     It was three days after I had left the hospital and we were all at my parents' house. The twins were born early, but they were healthy enough to leave when I did. We had told everyone about the bet that we had going on and they decided to get in on it. Everyone except Steve and Vince. They didn't want to get their sons mixed up.
     The loser had to pay the winner $20 each. Everyone had sided with Braxton about the twins and their dads. I was going to be one rich girl. I handed Paxton to Steve and Payton to Vince before reading the results.

"According to these results Steve is Paxton's dad and Vince is Payton's dad." I said.

     My brothers started complaining about owing me $20.

"Should've sided with me." I said.

"Yea it's too late for that." Johnny said.

"Reyna do you want to come see your cousins?" I asked.

     For the first month Braxton and I wouldn't be going home. We were going to spend two weeks with my parents and the other two with his'. That meant he didn't have to do any housework. Braxton did have to go back to work though which meant that he would be leaving me and the boys.


"Phoebe go take a nap I'll watch the boys for you." mom said.

"That's alright mom. I have it." I said.

"Sweetie you need your sleep. Braxton and you have been getting up all night with the boys."

"I'm fine."

     Payton started to cry so I picked him up.

"I think he needs a diaper change." mom said. "Phoebe please go take a nap and let me take care of the boys for a while."

"Okay." I said.

     I knew it was the only way to get her to relax. I handed her Payton and walked to my room. I laid down and fell asleep. Guess everything finally caught up to me. When I woke up Braxton was back and he was playing with the boys.

"Hey. How was work?" I asked.

"Okay. I missed you and the boys though." he said.

"We missed you too."

"Were they a handful?"

"I wouldn't know. My mom forced me to go take a nap."

"I'm glad. You needed one."

"No I didn't. I was perfectly fine."

"Phoebe you needed rest more than anyone. You haven't slept for the past four days."

"Neither did you."

"Yeah, but I didn't have to give birth."

He really had me there. I hated when he was right.

"Well you going upstairs and sleep?" I asked.

"No. I missed the boys and want to spend time with them." Braxton said.

"Either go upstairs and nap or be prepare not to help me with the boys tonight."

"But Phoebe you need help with them. I can't just let you do it alone."

"You need your sleep more."

"No I don't."

"You have to work. I don't."

"I have an off hour."

"One hour isn't enough."



"What's going on in there?" my mom said walking back into the living room.

"Braxton isn't getting enough sleep." I said.

"Braxton go get some sleep."


"Now." she said cutting him off.

"Okay but you have to come with me." he said looking at me.

"I just came from taking a nap."

"You could use more sleep." my mom said.

     I didn't even get a chance to protest before Braxton dragged me upstairs.

"That was unfair." I said.

"Now you know how I feel." Braxton said.

     I stuck my tongue out at him. Yes I'm a childish mother. Who cares?

"Awe don't be like that. I wanted some alone time with you. I've missed you." Braxton said.

"Me too." I said.

     Braxton walked over to me and kissed me. The kiss soon escalated into a make out session.

"I don't need anymore grandkids from you two anytime soon." my mom said from the other side of the door.

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