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     There was less then a month left before the wedding and there was still some details that needed to be finished. I had sent Kailey, Lexi, and Melanie a picture of my dress so they knew what kind of bridesmaid dress to get. Claudia had gotten her's the same day I got mine so I wasn't worried about her. Rosemary and my mom insisted that I leave everything else to them. Braxton was taking me out to try and get my mind off of things.
     I was excited. We barely got to spend time together these days. I hope it doesn't get like that after we're married and I have the boys.

"Braxton where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see when we get there." he said.

"Why can't you just tell me?"

"It'll ruin the surprise."

     Did I mention he had me blindfolded? We drove a little longer before he stopped the car. He came around and opened my car door helping me out.

"Braxton can you tell me where we are?" I asked.

"You'll see in a little while. Just be patient." he said.

     I heard something like a chair being pulled back before Braxton made me sit.

"Okay you can take the blindfold off now." he said.

     I took it off and looked around. We were at an outside restaurant. There were lights hung up and even a small orchestra playing soft music.

"Braxton this is amazing." I said.

"I knew you'd like it." he said.

"Thank you."

"But nothing's happened yet."

"I know but I'm glad that you brought me here."

"Well I thought we could use some alone time."

     The waiter came over to greet us.

"Can I start you off with something to drink?" he asked.

"Just water please." I said.

"I'll have the same." Braxton said.

     The guy just stood there staring.

"Our drinks." Braxton said kind of possessively.

"Right. I'll be right back." he said walking off.

"I think he was staring at my breast." I said covering them.

"Babe please don't wear that outfit out in public again." Braxton said.

     I had on a black dress like the one he had bought for me to wear at his birthday party. The waiter came back with our drinks and took our orders, but not before looking at my breast again. When I get home I'm throwing this outfit in the back of the closet or burning it. Either one was fine with me.

"Are you done because I wanna take you somewhere else too." Braxton said.


     Braxton helped me up and we started walking a little ways from the restaurant.

"Braxton where are we going now?" I asked.

"Can't I just surprise you?" he asked.


"Too bad."

     Braxton had stopped near a tree that had lights hanging in it and a pinic blanket underneath it. He sat down then pulled me into his lap.

"When did you have time to do this?" I asked.

"When you were busy planning for the wedding." he said.

"It's so beautiful."

"This isn't even the best part."

     Braxton pointed off somewhere and fireworks lit up the sky.

"How did you know about this?" I asked.

"I did my research." he said.

"I know I probably said this a lot of times already, but thank you. For everything."

"I should be thanking you."


"Because you're an amazing person and I'm glad that you allowed me to be apart of your life."

"I love you Braxton."

"I love you too Phoebe."

     We sat there and watched the fireworks. I loved spending time with him and soon I'd be his wife. After the fireworks display Braxton and I went home and I feel asleep almost immediately. Today was a wonderful day for me. I couldn't wait to make more memories with Braxton.


"Phoebe. Wake up baby." Braxton said.

     I groaned and opened my eyes.

"I don't want to get up." I said.

"You have to. You've been asleep all morning." he said.

"What? Why didn't you wake me up to go to school? And why didn't you go to work?"

"Because there was something I had to show you."

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