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     I was pacing around the living room while my dad and Phoebe's tried to come up with a plan.

"Don't worry they'll get her back." my mom said.

     Yeah but they don't know where she is and neither do I. A thought popped into my mind. I headed upstairs to the nearest bedroom and took out my phone. I bet Steve could give me the address. The phone rang and was picked up on the second ring.

"Hello." someone said.

"Phoebe? Where's Steve?" I asked.

"He's asleep on the bed. Braxton is that you?"

"Yea. Phoebe I need you to wake him up. I need to talk to him."

     I heard mumbling in the background before he got on the phone.

"What?" he asked annoyed.

"What's the address over there?" I asked.

"Braxton don't do anything stupid."

"I won't. Now me give the address."

     He told me the address and I memorized it. I hung up the phone then headed downstairs. My dad was taking too long I was going to get my girl back myself.

"Braxton where are you going?" my mom asked.

"I think I'll just go home. Call me if you hear anything." I said.

"Hold on son." my dad said when I walked out.


"Take this." he said handing me a gun and some reloads.

     I looked at him.

"I know what you're going to do. Just be careful." he said.

"Thanks dad." I said before leaving.

     I got in my car and sped off. I didn't care if I ran any red lights or stop signs. I could care less if I got speeding tickets or the police stopped me. None of that mattered. I was determined to get Phoebe back today.
     I pulled up a block away from the address Steve had given me. I wish I had thought of a plan before I rushed over here. O well I'll just wing it. As long as I got Phoebe out the rest didn't matter. They had people coming in and out of house so I had to be careful.
     I pulled out my phone and saw I had a text from Steve.

Where are you? ~Steve

What are you talking about? ~ Braxton

Don't even try and pulled that crap on me. I know you're planning on doing something. Now where are you? ~Steve

I'm parked a block away. ~Braxton

I'll create some kind of diversion and in five minutes you come in. ~ Steve

     I had no idea what he was planning to do but if it helped me get Phoebe out of there I was all for it. Five minutes later people were by the basement door outside. Someone pulled it open and flames blazed out of it. Did he really set that basement on fire? I got out my car and snuck in the house while they were distracted.
     I should've have asked Steve which room she was in. The smoke finally got to the house and the alarm started going off.

"Damn it." I mumbled under my breath.

     I ran upstairs trying not to be spotted by anyone downstairs. A door opened and some guy walked out. This is just frickin' great.

"You aren't supposed to be here. Intruder!" he said before pulling his gun out on me.

     Before he had a chance to shoot I shot him. That probably alerted the whole house, but it was either him or me. And it wasn't going to be me. I heard people rushing upstairs and doors being opened. I ran into the first bedroom I saw.
     Hopefully no one in here had a gun. I heard the cocking of a gun while still facing the door. Today isn't my day. I turned around ready to face the person.

"Braxton?" she asked shocked.

     Phoebe was staring at me with tears in her eyes a gun pointed at me. She lowered the gun and I walked towards her. I wrapped my arms around her. She started sobbing.

"Shh...Phoebe. It's okay. I'm here now. Everything's fine." I said trying to hold back my own tears.

"Braxton I wanna go home."

"We are going home."

     I held her for a good while waiting for her to calm down.

"Phoebe I'm going to get us out of here, but I need you to do exactly what I say." I said.

"Ok." she said.

     I could hear the people running by the door.

"Where's Steve?" I asked.

"I don't know. He gave me this gun before leaving out. He said to shoot anyone who tried something." she said.

     I shook my head. Trust Steve to give a pregnant woman a gun.

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