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     That week passed by fast and before I knew it it was time for me to go back to school. I couldn't wait for after school today. Today was the day that I would find out if Johnny and Noah were my real brothers. I had a huge smile on my face the entire day. Vince had broken up with Selena and still wasn't talking to her.
     I was in history class listening to Braxton talk about Napoleon Bonaparte and how he tried to recreate what Alexander the Great did. I wasn't really listening considering the fact that the boys were still pushing on my bladder.

"Ms. Thorne would you like to tell the class who Alexander the Great father was?" Braxton said.

"Philip II of Macedon." I said.

     He only did that because he knew I wasn't paying attention. I knew the answer though.

"No it isn't. It's Aristotle." Selena said.

"That was his tutor." I said. "Dimwit." I mumbled under my breath.

"She's actually right Ms. Franklin." Braxton said.

     Selena grumbled under her breath. Braxton looked at the clock.

"I want to talk to you guys about the senior trip that's coming up." he said.

"Do you know where it is?" a random girl asked.

"Yes. It's at the beach Siesta Key. You're going to need to turn in your permission slips Friday morning so we can leave then."

"Are we leaving during school or after?" some boy asked.

"We're leaving after lunch. We're going to be gone the whole week after so make sure you bring enough clothes and money because some of the women teachers that's coming might go shopping and I know the girls like that kind of stuff."

     The bell rang and he dismissed us. At lunch I sat with Kailey and everyone else.

"Ready for after school today?" Kailey asked.

"Yup." I said.

     The rest of our friends didn't know about my situation and I didn't really want to tell them. Johnny explained everything to Noah and Kailey since they were on a need to know bases. Noah had started sending death glares to any boy who looked in my direction.

"Are you guys ready for the senior trip Friday?" Melanie asked.

"Super excited. I can't wait. I hope we do get to go shopping that way I can buy something for Phoebe's baby." Lexi said.

"None of you have to buy me anything." I said.

"We want to." Melanie said.

"So what are you having?" Kailey asked.

     I hadn't really told anyone that I was having boys. I wanted to wait until after I knew the DNA results to tell everyone.

"I'll tell you guys tomorrow. I promise." I said.

     No matter what the results were I was going to tell everyone the sexes of my babies.

"Alright I just want to know before Friday." Lexi said.

     Some people might say that Lexi's stuck up but she's actually a nice person. The rest of the day dragged on then it was time for me to go to Johnny's parents house after school. The results were already there waiting to be read. I had told his parents that if they wanted to they could read the results and just tell us when we got there. His mother refused saying it was only right that we all hear the results at the same time.


"Ready?" Braxton asked looking at me and giving my hand a squeeze.

"Ready." I said smiling.

     Braxton had decided to come with me incase the results weren't what we thought they would be. We got out of the car and headed towards the house. I was getting more nervous with every step we took.

"No matter what the results are everything's going to be alright." Braxton said.

     He knocked on the door and Henrietta ushered us in. We walked to the living room to join everyone else. There was a nerve wrecking silence. Henrietta held the envelope with the results in her hands.

"Mom open it already." Johnny said.

"I don't know if I can." she said.

"Then give it to dad."

     She looked at her husband and handed the envelope to him. He opened it and looked at the results before looking up and smiling at me with watery eyes. Henrietta took the results for him and read them for herself. I felt my heart shatter. Maybe I'm not their missing daughter after all.

"Phoebe." Henrietta said barely above a whisper.

     I continued to look at her.

"The results came back positive. You're our daughter." she said.

     She got up off her seat from opposite of the room and came to hug me. I got up so she could give me a proper hug. After that I hugged her husband, Noah, Kailey, and Johnny.

"Welcome to the family sis." Johnny said.

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