I'm a Liar....and i'm sorry...

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Okay, if you want to stop reading my story I give you full permission. If you want to come to my house and beat me up I give you full permission. I realize that people read my story, and I get such positive feedback from it. I LOVE Fall and it's just TOO hard to continue it. So Im not.

I was working on the Prequel and it wasn't working. I couldn't get myself to write it. It was bad and I literally hated it. I told myself it sucked because of how good Fall was. I know that you will be disappointed and never want to read another thing that I write and I get it. Fall was just too important to me. I didn't have the writers mojo towards the other stories that I had writing Fall. 

I tried writing and sequel and it failed. Then I tried to write the prequel and it sucked. I just couldn't do it anymore. I think it means that there can't be a sequel or a prequel and this story just ends like it did. You guys mean the world to me, because you loved this story just as much as I did. I can't even like understand how this many people actually read this! This story has like 33,000+ reads! That's incredible! I'm stil in shock! But I can't write another one. Maybe I'll be inspired some where down the line to write another one, but I'm not sure. I guess I'm a one story per series kind of writer. 

I have other ideas for books, but I wont be posting until I get back from my vacation which is  8/27/12. I'll be working on the story I have in mind but it wont be posted. I hope you guys understand where I'm coming from and if you want to hate me I'll let you.

Thank You EVERYONE who read Fall and read the terrible sequel. I'm sorry for deleting it if you liked it, but I made the executive decision to delete it. I love the readers that I have and I love that it's growing.

Thank You for understanding where I am coming from. And thank you for reading and loving the Reagan/Luke relationship as much as I did. I appreciate everything that you guys said about my story and the response I got. I guess I keep repeating myself, so i'm just going to stop now.

Thank You So much!!! xoxoxoxo- Skyla Ann. 

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