Chapter 7:

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“Be nice and Say hello Reag.” Luke told me.

“Hello Reag.” I laughed.

“How is everyone?” Jai asked. It was weird it was like we were talking to nothing. A bunch of comments were coming. I noticed there were a lot of people watching. Close to 5,000 already. And it was growing rapidly

“We’re helping Reagan pack.” Luke told the one girl who asked.

“Then we are going to have a threesome after.” Jai said putting his harms around me because I was in the middle.

“I’m in the middle.” I laughed and they laughed along with me. 

“And Reagan is going to wear this!” Luke said showing the camera my cheetah bra.”

“LUKE! I reached over to grab it but he pulled it away. I ended up laying on top of him. 

“Guys please. People are watching.” Jai teased us. I quickly grabbed the bra and got out of the bed. 

“How is packing for a guy so easy? But I can’t pack for myself?” I spoke loudly.

“This girl is agreeing with you.” Jai read from the computer. 

I grabbed a bunch of my clothes for the winter and folded them. I went into my closet and grabbed two dresses. “Which one should I wear for New Years Eve?” I held them up to Jai and Luke. One was black and it was tight but had quarter sleeves and sparkles on the bottom. The other was a simpler red dress but it had a cut out in the back. They looked at each other.

“Who cares?” Luke said.

“Well my family has a tradition where we wear this fancy dresses and get all nice for New Years.” 

“Oh. Um. I’m not sure. Ask the computer?” Jai said moving the computer. Comments came in. A lot of them said the black one.

“I guess i’ll bring this one. Shit. I need a dress for my dad’s memorial.” I sat on the bed next to Luke. Jai signed off of the computer because he knew it was going to get personal.

“What’s going to like happen at the memorial?”

“I’m not really sure. I know they are going to be like honoring a bunch of people not just my dad. But my dad is getting like this whole like thing done. BUt i’m like stressing out.”


“Because since i’m a good public speaker and what not I have to say something. BUt like it’s going to be hard. And my mom is going to be a mess and I don’t know if I can handle it.” I was being honest. 

“You’re going to be find. Reag. It’s going to be a great speech and your mom will be crying, but so will everyone. It’s a sad time.”

“But I have to look good and everything.”

“You always looks good.” Luke said.

“I know, but it’s going to be broadcasted on National TV!” They both looked at me. In Shock.

“National TV?” Jai asked.

“Yeah, like i think the president is going to be there. It’s just a rumor, but like this event is kind of important for Americans.” I explained putting both dresses in the suitcase. I would wear the red one to the memorial. I put two pairs of heels in. I was finally done packing but My suitcase was extremely heavy and it barley closed.

“I might meet the President!” Luke asked.

“No, you wont because you’re going to be sitting all the way in the back, with the rest of the normal people who can watch. And you will behave like good boys or I will have to beat you up.” I threatened them.

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