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Jimin's breaths were the only sound I could hear. He was laying down on my chest, his warm body making me feel less cold. I could feel his chest move as he inhaled and exhaled. My arms were wrapped around him in an awkward position, but I didn't dare move.

The moment was precious to me and I didn't want it to end. Instead I felt him and heard him and smelled him, and looked at him, and let myself be completely enveloped in his existence.

It had been two years since Jin's graduation and I was thankful in moments like these to reflect on things. I thought about how Jimin and I had lasted through it all. How we were better than ever now. How we were now so close ourselves to graduating.

School was hard, but I took pride in knowing that I would finally be able to support myself afterwards. My mom didn't contact me again. I didn't really think about her though.

Jimin's parents loved me. They were happy to hear that I was dating their son.

Jin had gotten a job at a hospital and he was very happy there. A few months after his graduation he got the news that his parents had overdosed. He was really sad for a while, but with his friends and especially with Namjoon's help he was able to get better. I was shocked to hear that Jin had been hiding from us that his parents were addicts who disappeared for long periods of time and only came back to ask for money. 

Namjoon was getting his master's degree. He was also having many threesomes with Jin, which he unfortunately loved to tell us about with too much detail.

Jungkook was studying abroad. It suited him. He was very happy and would send us pictures of all the cool things he was seeing and doing.

Yoongi and Hoseok were living together. They both had their jobs and a stable life. They talked about marriage a lot and kids. It was really sweet to see them be so happy together. They were an interesting match, but still perfect for each other.

We all still hung out together a lot when we had time.

"Tae, are you lost in your thoughts again?" Jimin's half asleep voice said, pulling me back to the moment.

I smiled. "Yea."

He changed our position, so we were more comfortable and hugged me tightly. "Tae, I'm so cold."

I leaned to get the other blanket that had been pushed aside and covered him up. "Is that better?"

He nodded and smiled with his eyes closed.

"Go back to sleep Jiminie. I'll keep you warm."

He smiled and gave me a kiss on my chest before he closed his eyes again and soon fell asleep.

He was so cute. He was so amazing. He was so many things, but my favorite thing about him was that he was mine.

My boyfriend. One day my husband. My partner for life. The father of my children. My everything. My first and last love.

My selfish and sometimes bitchy little Jiminie. My insecure and indecisive Minie. My fucking perfect best friend Jimin. He might not be a flawless person, but he was just what I needed.

Someone who I could now truly said I trusted. Now that we had learned to be honest with each other, there was nothing holding us back.

Being together with him meant I never had to deal with anything alone. I always had someone I could count on.

He knew how to keep things interesting. We had experienced so many things in the past two years and we would continue to experience many more. He showed me so much happiness along with many frustrations.

We had disagreements and got annoyed by each other. We raised our voices in anger and we talked things out. We laughed, and we cried together. We loved each other.

It was more than I could ask for. Great friends, and a great soulmate.

Life wasn't perfect, but they got me through it. I never felt alone with all the love that surrounded me. And I was so fucking thankful.

The End 

some ending notes:

it has now been over 2 years since I started and finished this story and that's crazy!!!

thank you, seriously thank you to everyone still reading this and leaving comments

some of you all are so funny and honestly the way you judge the characters and tear them apart both made me laugh so hard and brightened my day

there's soo many flaws with this story and the characters, both in terms of my own writing abilities and their personalities overall. I'm so glad to see everyone pointing out how stupid and sometimes shitty the characters were in this story

this is the first fanfiction story I ever wrote and I've learned a lot since then, but it's always good to get a notification for a new comment in this mess of a story

Check out my latest story. I worked very hard on it so feel free to leave me some comments on it 😊

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