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Jin's POV

Tae was curled up next to me in my bed. We were at my house, hanging out after class. Jimin and Namjoon were still in school so it was just us two. I lived close to school and right now my parents weren't home.

They rarely were.

I had cooked something for Tae, who's cute little smile when he ate my food and the way he seemed to enjoy it made me feel so darn happy. More than the actual act of cooking, the reaction of those who ate it was my favorite part.

I was so happy to watch him eat so much. He hadn't been eating and I noticed he had started to lose weight. I had been trying to get him to eat more and today he actually got more himself. I was very pleased.

I wrapped my arms around his skinny waist and smiled. He smelled really good and he felt so soft and small. Like a child.

He felt like someone I had to protect. To take care of. I can't lie, I might have a thing for taking care of people. My parents, Jungkook, Tae, Jimin, hell even that idiot Namjoon.

He groaned and shifted in my arms as he woke up from his nap. He stared at me with sleepy eyes for a while. I smiled at his cute little face as blinked slowly. After a while he smiled back.

"Did I sleep long?" he asked.

"Just a bit. Jimin will be here soon."

His lips formed into a smile after I said that.

At the thought of the two of them I remembered my talk with Jungkook. I still found it so crazy that the three knew each other. That Jungkook had dated both Jimin and Tae. The whole story was so twisted and complicated. It troubled me.

Now that I knew the history between them, I couldn't look at them the same way. I couldn't comprehend why Jimin would ever have decided to date his best friend's boyfriend. Or why Tae was still involved with both of them. And also, how Jimin and Tae even got together in the first place.

The whole things had me feeling so bad for Tae. I could only imagine how much pain he was holding in. I really wanted to ask him about it, but I decided to not be nosy. However, I made sure to pay attention to subtle hints with Tae and Jimin that might seem to indicate that they needed someone to talk to.

I think if I didn't know Jimin maybe I would have hated him. From the first time I heard about him when I met Tae, their refusal to label things was very odd and it made me mistrust Jimin and his intentions. Then I met him, and we got along great. He was easy to get along with and we bonded over many things. He liked to help me cook and he shared my concerns for Tae. He was like the best friend that I always wanted.

I grew close to him very quickly. But I still felt like there was so much left unsaid between Tae and Jimin. And I wanted them to confront the ticking time bomb that seemed to be their relationship.

On the outside, they looked to be perfect. So in love. If anything, too in love. But their problems weren't obvious. They were carefully hidden in the back of their heads were the other wouldn't be able to detect that anything was wrong.

I just wanted to tell them. To point out to them that there were problems. But I knew that would be bad for their development. So, I fought the urge and decided to support them and not say anything unless they needed me.

A knock on the door made Tae's eyes brighten. Jimin walked in with a smile.

He set his backpack down. "I wanna cuddle too," he said as he got on the bed next to me. He smiled at Tae and said, "Hey Tae. I missed you."

Tae smiled. "Me too Jiminie." They both got on my chest and hugged each other with me in the middle. I smiled at the feeling of their warmth and their ability to be so adorable and cute.

Jimin looked up at me and smiled. "I missed you too Jin. I saw you cooked. It looks delicious."

I smiled too. "You should eat some."

"I will in a bit. For now, I just wanna hug my favorite people."

We were still cuddling when Namjoon go there. He walked in and saw our bodies tangled together and gave us a smirk and opened his mouth to say what I didn't doubt was some nasty shit.

"Fuck! You all, why don't we fuck?"

Jimin glared at him.

Tae didn't say anything.

I don't know why Tae seemed to be unbothered by Namjoon. Sometimes he got surprised, but never mad. Not the way Jimin did. Jimin disliked Namjoon's comments. Well, more like he disliked his sexual comments that involved Tae. His jealousy was so obvious. He was only okay with me touching him. If Namjoon even looked at Tae a certain way, he would start to get his little pouty look and glare at him.

"Namjoon, please," I simply said at him.

He gave me a sheepish smile and leaned in to kiss me. Jimin looked ready to fight Namjoon as he placed his hand on Tae's leg to support himself when he leaned down.

I gave Namjoon a peck, which he tried to turn into more, but I pushed him away.

I didn't like kissing in front of my children.

Namjoon sat down on a chair next to the bed. "So, are we doing anything today? Please don't tell me you all don't just plan on cuddling all afternoon. I mean if you'd at least let me get in there, but we know how Jimin gets like a rabid dog when I touch his favorite toy."

Jimin looked angry and offended by Namjoon's comment. "He's not a toy. He's my..." Jimin trailed off.

"Boyfriend?" Namjoon smirked. "He's not your boyfriend remember sweetheart? Because you idiots don't wanna label things."

Jimin scowled and buried his face in my chest as he held on to Tae's hand.

I gave Namjoon a pleading look. He rolled his eyes but doesn't say anything else.

"We can go to the movies," I said to break the silence.

Tae smiled. "Yes! We should! I mean if you want to Jimin."

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes and scoff, but Namjoon did it for me. Thankfully he didn't say anything and just mouthed out to me, so whipped.

I gave him a small nod in agreement.

"I don't mind going," Jimin said.

I sat up and pull them up with me. "Okay, sounds good then guys. Let's go."

They got up and the four of us made our way to the kitchen where Jimin and Namjoon quickly ate before we made our way out of my house and into my truck.

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