♤-Chapter 57-♤

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"The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Chapter 57: Graduation

Clear View University

Principal McLee stood on the stage in front of all of us. He was strikingly dressed in a 3 piece Navy and White suit. He cleared his throat. "Ladies and Gentlemen, please take your seats so we can begin with the program."

He turned around and talked to someone behind him as everybody started taking their seats and calming down. When everybody was calm he turned back around and stood behind the podium, taking a sip of water before beginning.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, first off let me give my warmest congratulations to the class of 2016. You have been a talented, hard working class. I am proud to have been your Principal. At graduation, it is always amazing to look back over your school years. For me the reflection comes in a few parts:

*What the classes were about. Who you were and who you are now. How you all have grown over the last few years.

*What school meant and how we upheld the tradition and ethos of this institution in a modern teaching environment."

Everybody was silent as we listened to him speak. "I am glad to say there are some colorful characters in this class. Mariana Frederick knows how to debate with anyone."

As he said it we all chuckled thinking about Mariana. She was always debating queen in all the classes.

"I know the Physics department has checked their facts a few times before facing Mariana in class." We all nodded our heads. Mariana didn't believe anything if you couldn't show her the facts.

"Gabe Ronald and Nikolai Moretti must have played more pranks than anyone else in our history. Ian Hamilton has probably been more in my office than in class. Mia Coleman was probably the best Welcoming Committee President. All of the characters have helped bond the class into a group that has worked together. You should be proud of yourself."

I leaned my head against Nikolai's shoulder and tried to stay focus as McLee continued talking, but I zoned out until Principal McLee invited the next person on stage.

"Next I'd like to invite James Franco on stage. Mr. Franco has agreed to give this year's commencement speech." James walked on the stage and gave a handshake to McLee.

"Thank you Principal McLee. Students about 15 years ago, I sat in one of these chairs you are sitting in. I was at this University and I cannot describe how happy I am to be here to deliver this speech to you guys. You are the next Generation. You guys are the ones that can change the world and you guys are the ones that can see this world in a whole new light. I will not bore you with a long speech I just want to say the same thing Gandhi said: Be the change you want to see in the world. Now I'd like to call you names so you can come to get your degrees."

Principal McLee's Assistant would call the names, give James the degree and James would shake the student's hand before giving them the paper. As they walked passed him they would shake hands with the Principal.

A lot of people were on the stage before us, so I couldn't wait any longer until they started calling our names. Two weeks before Graduation you listed your name in the order you wanted to be called in. So Nikolai wrote all his friends names before his, then mine and my friends following after me.

"Ava South, Rachel Noël, Sally Smith."

"Eadric Osullivan, Fabio Shanks, Malik Farnsworth, Hades Keck."

"Ian Hamilton, Jack Holguin, Kade Pitt, Lance Falk."

"Gabe Ronald, Nikolai Moretti, Tatiana Aksakor, Olivia Lopez."

"Abby Soole, Caesar Byler, Bea Carrillo, Dale Alfaro."

After that, I stopped listening because we were close to the end. When we all took out seats again we sang our national anthem. After we were done McLee came back on the stage.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we only have 3 more things before we are done. I'd like to ask everybody to calm down as we call Olivia Lopez as Valedictorian from the class of 2016."

Olivia got up from her chair in the front and walked up the stairs to the podium. She shook McLee's hand and grinned at all of us as she took her place behind the podium.

"Thank you to the staff, friends, and families attending the graduation of 2016. We are here today to celebrate and begin our journey from young adults into adulthood, which is such an unimaginable time that we should all cherish. We are all here to show one thing, that we have all worked extremely hard to be heading out into the real world. There have been many obstacles that we have all overcome together. We kept each other motivated no matter what the situation may be. We have all grown into level-headed individuals, and to all of my classmates, I want to thank you for all being extremely supportive of not only me but each other. You all have an unspeakable amount of determination coursing through you, and that's what we here, at Clear View University, love to see. We would like to thank our Principal and Vice Principal for all the support you have given us."

Olivia looked at the Principal's as she said the last sentence before turning back to us and continuing.

"It's easy to feel hopeful on a beautiful day like today but there will be dark days ahead of us too. There will be days where you feel all alone, and that's when hope is needed most. No matter how buried it gets, or how lost you feel, you must promise me that you will hold on to hope and keep it alive. We have to be greater than what we suffer. My wish for you is to become hope; people need that. Even if we fail, what better way is there to live? I know it feels like we're saying goodbye, but we will carry a piece of each other into everything we do next, to remind us of who we are, and of whom we are meant to be. I've had a great four years with you and I will miss you all very much."

Olivia wiped a tear from her cheek and took a sip of water.

"Today I leave you with a few quotes you might not understand or need today but maybe in the future. Firstly, "Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead from Nora Ephron." "It is absolutely still possible to make a difference from Michelle Obama" and last but not least the words of "Tory Burch, We may live in an age of instant messaging, instant gratification and Instagram, but there is no way to short-circuit the path to success."

Olivia nodded before shaking both the Principal's hands and walked off the stage back to her seat as we applaud her speech.

The Principal spoke one more take and we all sang our school anthem before we were dismissed.

Copyright © 2018 by Grace Write

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