Chapter 53

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Trixie's POV

We arrived inside the Slytherin Common room with the other students,

"Right the plan is that everyone looks out for each other, it doesn't matter what house you're from or your blood status. In this room we're all equal and probably just as scared as each other" I announced, everyone nodded "Pansy?" I called over gaining her attention as everyone else was getting comfortable,

"What's up?" She asked coming over to me,

"You're the only one I can trust to help me protect everyone" I say as we made our way outside the front of the common room, she smiled withdrawing her wand,

"I wouldn't want to fight alongside someone else" She stated, I smiled withdrawing my own wand,

"Same here" I agreed as we heard distant explosions making our eyes widen as we prepared ourselves.


"Stupefy!" Pansy jinxed as a group Death Eaters approached us,


"Expelliarmus!" I yell disarming the death eater preventing from casting the curse to Pansy, moments later my wand was out of my hand making my eyes widened as Pansy was knocked on to her back, I ran over to her,

"Protego" I jinxed protecting the two of us as I held my hands in front of me, sheltering us from the spells being fired at us,

"You did that without a wand" Pansy whispered, I nodded

"Expelliarmus!" I heard Draco yell as he and Blaise ran towards us, somehow the two of them took down the group and approached us, Draco helped me up and handed me my wand

"Thank you" I say, he nodded

"Let's do this together" Blaise commented, I nodded in agreement,

"Possibly the last time" Pansy retorted, I raised an eyebrow

"Is that anyway to think, Pansy?" Draco questioned,

"We will win" I stated before low whispers hit my ears,

"You have fought valiantly but in vain. I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I, therefore, command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity. Harry Potter, I speak directly to you. On this night you have allowed your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonor. Join me in the Forbidden Forest and confront your fate. If you do not this I shall kill every last man, woman and child who tries to conceal you from me" Dad spoke before the whispers disappeared, I turned to the other three,

"Pansy, Blaise stay and protect everyone in that room. Draco, do whatever. I'm going to check on the others" I ordered before making my way up to the Great Hall to find it littered with corpses, I noticed the Weasley's gathered around one, making me stop in place

Please don't be Fred

I slowly approached them and George turned around with tears streaming down my face, his face fell as he came over to me and gave me a hug,

"No, no, no. No!" I screamed as I collapsed to my knees, Molly, Ginny and Fluer came over to me giving me a hug before helping me up, I took a deep breath and approached his body as tears streamed down my face, I choked back a sob as I crouched down to him and brushed back his hair, "You promised me forever" I whispered into his ear before I placed a kiss on his forehead before standing up, I noticed Ginny leave the hall making me follow, I went outside where she and Neville were, as a sea off black was approaching, I stood next to Ginny

"Who's that Hagrid's carrying? Neville, who is it?" Ginny questioned,

"Harry Potter is dead!" Dad announced,

"No. No!" Ginny screamed but I held her back as Dad sent out a force making me quickly react in sending one back, they met in the middle and cause a loud crack to whip through the air,

"Silence. Stupid girl. Harry Potter is dead, from this day forth, you shall put your faith in me..." He announced, I glared at him, "Harry Potter is dead!" Dad repeated to his followers making them laugh, Mum's laugh being the one to stand out, "And now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us. Or die" Dad bargained,

"Draco. Draco!" Lucius hissed, I slowly turned my head to Draco as he looked in disgust,

"Draco...come" Narcissa spoke, he made his way down towards me and held my hand,

"No" he stated making my eyes widen in surprise, Dad gritted his teeth before Neville took a few steps forward,

"Well, I must say I'd hoped for better" Dad remarked causing the Death eaters to laugh, "And who might you be, young man?" He asked,

"Neville Longbottom" Neville answered making the Death eaters laugh again,

"Well, Neville, I'm sure we can find you a place in our ranks" Dad mocked,

"I'd like to say something" Neville retorted making Dad wriggle in annoyance,

"Well, Neville, I'm sure we'd all be fascinated to heat what you have to say" Dad said,

"It doesn't matter that Harry's gone"

"Stand down Neville" Seamus called out,

"People die everyday. Friends, family. Yeah, we lost Harry tonight. But he's still with us, in here. So's Fred, Remus, Tonks. All of them. They didn't die in vain. But you will because you're wrong. Harry's heart did beat for us, for all of us! This is not over!" Neville yelled as he withdrew the Gryffindor sword making my eyes widen as Harry rolled himself out of Hagrid's arms making every gasp and look at each other with joy and hope,

"Confringo!" Harry jinxed towards Nagini before running away from Dad's spells

"Get back in the castle!" I ordered, while most Death Eaters retreated, I stood at the entrance blocking spells while everyone got in,

"I'll lure him into the castle. We have to kill the snake" Harry demanded, I nodded in agreement

"Neville!" Arthur yelled as Neville ran towards Dad, only to have Dad fire a spell at him send his flying back,

"Trixie, I'm not having you fighting. Draco, take her back to the common room" Harry demanded, Draco nodded and dragged me down to the common room where Blaise and Pansy were.

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