Chapter 14

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Trixie's POV

"Thank you for saving my ass" Draco thanked as we made our way to Defensive Against the Dark Arts, I scoffed

"Perhaps if you wasn't such an arse yourself it wouldn't of happened" I retorted, he retreated by looking down at the floor making me smirk "Don't let it happen again" I asserted messing his hair up as we walked into the classroom, where a cupboard that shook violently shook at the front with Professor Lupin,

"Intriguing, isn't it? Would anyone like to venture a guess as to what is inside?" He asked,

"That's a Boggart, that is" Dean Thomas answered,

"Very good, Mr. Thomas. Now, can anyone tell me what a boggart looks like?" he questioned,

"No-one knows" I replied,

"They take shape of whatever a person fears the most. That was makes them so-"

"So terrifying, yes, yes, yes" Lupin cut Hermione off, who cut me off, "Luckily, a very simple charm exists to repel a boggart. Let's practice it now, without wants, please. After me. Riddikulus!"

"Riddikulus" The class repeated,

"Very good. A bit louder.Riddikulus!"

"This class is ridiculous" Draco scoffed making me slap him over the head

"Keep it shut" I growled.

"Neville, would you join me, please. Come on, don't be shy. Come on" Lupin encouraged, Neville went up to him, "What frightens you most of all?" Lupin questioned, Neville muttered something "What?"

"Professor Snape" Neville repeated making everyone chuckle, I frowned at his answer,

"Professor Snape. Yes, frightens all. You live with your grandmother" Lupin commented,

"Yes, but I don't want it to turn into her either" He answered making me smile,

"No it won't. I want you to picture her clothes. Only her clothes, very clearly in your mind" Lupin explained,

"She carries a red handbag-"

"We don't need to hear. Wand at the ready" Lupin asserted cutting Neville off before opening the cupboard and the Boggart Snape came out, Neville raised his wand

"Riddikulus" Neville jinxed and the boggart Snape turned out to wear some dodgy clothes making us all laugh.

"Wonderful, Neville, Wonderful! Incredible! Okay to the back Neville" Lupin congratulated, he put on some music as everyone formed a line, I stood behind Harry, Ron was first up and the Boggart turned into a spider, Parvati was after him and it turned into a giant Serpent, Harry went up after and it turned into a Dementor making my eyes widened as I pulled Harry back as Lupin stood in front of him shielding him, it turned into a full moon making me raise an eyebrow,

"Riddikulus" He jinxed, turning it into a deflating balloon and sent it back into the cupboard and locked it in, "Right. Sorry about that. That's enough for today. Collect your books from the back, that's the end of the lesson. Thank you! Sorry!" Lupin apologised as people began to leave the room.

"You okay?" I asked Harry, he nodded and stood up and left the room,

"Miss. Riddle-Lestrange, what may I do for you?" Lupin asked,

"I was wondering if you could let out the boggart, just for me to see what my biggest fear is" I answered, he closed the door and sighed

"And why do you want to know that?" He asked as he came up to me, I shrugged, he brought his wand out and unlocked the cupboard and the boggart of a dead Hermione fell out, my eyes widened as I raised my wand before another figure emerged from the cupboard, the grip on my wand tightened

"Riddikulus" I jinxed and they turned into mannequins making me smile before placing them back into the cupboard,

"So your biggest fear is your Mother killing Hermione Granger" He commented, I sighed and put my wand away,

"Hermione is my sister, blood or not. I will protect her" I stated,

"You're nothing like your Mother" He smiled, I raised an eyebrow

"You knew her?" I asked, he nodded,

"I was best friends with Sirius. Her cousin" He answered giving me a small smile, I returned it before I began collecting my things,

"Oh, I was also wondering, if you could help me become an Animagus? Oh and the Patronus spell" I listed, he raised an eyebrow and chuckled

"We'll see, Trixie" He chuckled, I nodded

"Thank you, Professor" I smiled before collecting a book and leaving the room.

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