Chapter 19

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Trixie's POV
The Marauders map was made when they were at school, 'Messers; Moony, Padfoot, Prongs and Wormtail' Of course, Messers is another word for prankers which these lot were quite famous for, so that means Moony is Lupin because he's a Werewolf, Padfoot is Sirius because he's a dog, Prongs that'd be James, since he must of been able to turn into a Stag since their antlers are also called prongs, leaving Wormtail to be Pettigrew, and if he was an Animagus he could possibly be a rat...Scabbers?

I was pulled from my thought when Snape barged in, "Vengeance is sweet. How I hoped I'd be the one to catch you" Snape said as he pointed the wand at Sirius, "Severus" Lupin said as he went towards him but cowered away when the wand was pointed at him, "I told Dumbledore you were helping a friend into the castle. Here's the proof" Snape said, "Brilliant Snape. You've out your keen mind to the task and came to the wrong conclusion. If you'll excuse us, Remus and I have business to attend to" Sirius said, I went for my wand as Snape aimed his wand at him "Give me a reason, I beg you" Snape said, "Don't be a fool" Lupin warned, "He can't help it. It's a habit" Sirius said making me chuckle.

"Be quiet" Lupin snapped, "Be quiet yourself" Sirius snapped back, I raised my wand gaining all their attention, "Lower your wand Miss Lestrange" Snape said, I narrowed my eyes at him and tilted my head slightly, "No can do Professor" I say, he went to say something, "Expelliarmus!" I jinxed sending him into the bed making it collapse on him, "Trixie! You attacked a teacher!" Hermione said, I turned to her and shrugged "He'll live" I say making Lupin and Sirius chuckle, I aimed my wand at them "Ron, I'm going to need to borrow Scabbers" I say as I went to him, "What? Why?" He asked, I grabbed hold of it "Consider it a theory" I say before looking towards Sirius and Lupin, "For your sake, I hope you're right" I heard Hermione say, Sirius smiled and picked up Harry's wand as Remus picked up his.

"Three, two, one" I say before letting Scabbers go, he darted around the room trying to escape before he was turned into Pettigrew, "Remus? Sirius? My old friends!" He said before trying to escape, "Harry look at you. You look so much like your father, James. We told each other everything" He said, "How dare you speak to Harry! How dare you talk about James in front of him!" Sirius yelled as they cornered him behind the piano, "You sold James and Lily to Voldemort" Lupin said, "I didn't mean to! The Dark Lord. You have no idea the weapon he possesses! Ask yourself, Sirius! What would you have done?" Pettigrew said, "Died rather than betray my friends!" Sirius yelled, Pettigrew crawled under the piano and tried to escape but I stood in the way with a death glare.

"Your father, the Dark Lord wouldn't have wanted me killed, your father would have spared me" He whispered making me growl before I kicked the back of his leg making him fall on to his back as I stood on his chest aiming the wand at him, "In case you didn't realise, I am nothing like my father or my mother as a fact" I growled, "That's what you think" He said, anger filled my thoughts as I growled, "I think that if I took the burden off Sirius and Lupin of killing you, it might relieve me of any ties to that side of me" I growled, "Trixie" Lupin said, I looked up and saw the fear on Harry, Ron and Hermione's face, my eyes widened before I got off him "Take him" I spat as I leaned against the door frame, "No!" Harry yelled.

I raised an eyebrow, "We'll take him to the castle" He said, "Bless you" Pettigrew said going for Harry's feet, "Get off! After we've taken you to the castle the dementors can have you" Harry explained, I sighed as I stood up straight and left them, when I got outside I sighed and ran my hand through my hair, "Trixie?" Hermione asked from behind me, I turned around and she tackled me with a hug, "I'm sorry" I say as I returned it, she pulled away and smiled "Don't worry about it. I know you're not like them" She said, I smiled back and nodded before she went over to Ron, "So, how did you figure out it was the rat?" Lupin asked.

"Well, you said it yourself, I'm a bright witch" I say, he raised an eyebrow, I sighed, "I figured out that you, Sirius, James and Peter were the Marauders, so then I figured out that you were Moony, Sirius was Padfoot, guessed that James was Prongs, and then Peter was Wormtail which lead me to think that he turned into a rat, so then when Sirius dragged Ron, who had hold of the rat, into the Whomping Willow, I connected the dots" I explained, he smiled, "Harry!" Hermione yelled catching my attention as she pointed towards the full moon that was peeping out from the clouds, my eyes widened as I turned back to Lupin.

"Remus, my old friend. Have you taken your potion?!" Sirius asked as he ran over to him and held him, Lupin began to groan making me panic, I looked back to Harry, Ron and Hermione There's no chance they'll get enough distance, "Lupin! Remember the man you are!" I yelled, "Trixie" Hermione said, I smiled towards her before noticing that Pettigrew had disappeared, "Run! Run!" Sirius yelled before Lupin turn flipping Sirius off of him, "Trixie back away" Hermione hissed, I held my hand up to her, "Lupin? Professor Lupin?" I asked as he seemed to cower away before he stood up fully howling, I shook my head before turning into my Wolf and standing between him and the others, "There you are. Where's Lestrange?" Snape asked before Lupin hit me away.

I heard Hermione scream making my head dart upwards to see Lupin going to strike them again, I growled before charging and tackling him to the ground, he threw me off before Sirius chased him off with myself following, I noticed Harry come around the corner and throw a rock at Lupin making him go to attack him but I knocked Lupin over and bit into his arm before he threw me off, and went to attack Harry but was stopped by some howling making him run off in the direction it came from, I turned back and sighed in relief before returning to the others.

"I'm sorry for attacking you Professor, I will accept any punishment" I say, he hummed "You may have gotten yourself out of the punishment by saving my life" He said, I nodded as he began to make his way to find Harry, "You look like hell" Ron said, "So do you" I say, he rolled his eyes "Let's get you to Madam Pumfrey" Hermione said as she got on one side of him and I got the other side before we walked up to the castle and to the Hospital Wing.

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