Chapter 12

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Trixie's POV

"Just like that. How?" Ron asked,

"I just remember seeing a pair of great, big, yellow eyes over there, by that sink" She answered before whining as she disappeared, I went over to the sink and saw a serpent on the tap,

"This is it" I sighed as I backed away,

"Say something. Say something in Parseltongue" Ron encouraged, Harry looked towards me and nodded, I rolled my eyes and said some Parseltongue and it began to open,

"Hey Trixie" Myrtle called out to me, I looked up to her, "That sounded exactly like the words he said that night I died." She commented, I gave her a weak smile, Lockhart looked down the hole,

"Excellent, Trixie, good work. Well, then, I'll just be...there's no need for me to stay" He rambled before trying to escape however Harry and Ron stopped him pushing him back towards the hole,

"You first" Harry demanded,

"Now, what good will it do?" Lockhart asked,

"Better you than us" I shrugged,

"But-Obviously, yes" He sighed turning around and looking down the hole again, "Sure you don't want to test first?" He asked but I lost my patience and kicked him down, "It's really quite filthy down here" He commented,

"See you down there" I sighed before jumping down the hole, I landed on a bunch of bones and pointed my wand at Lockhart, "It would be a shame if your skeleton was to be down here forever, instead of Ginny's" I sarcastically commented, Ron and Harry arrived and looked around,

"Remember: Any sign of movement, close your eyes straight away" Harry demanded, the two of them nodded,

"I'll lead it away" I stated, Harry and Ron raised an eyebrow "I'm the true Heir of Slytherin. It won't attack me" I asserted giving them a smile before leading them further into the chamber, we came across a Snake's shedded skin,

"What's this?" Ron asked,

"It's the Basilisk's shedded skin" I answered as I walked along it, Lockhart fainted making me face palm before Ron went to check him but he then jumped back up grabbing Ron's wand, "Well aren't you the actor" I chuckled,

"Oblivate!" He jinxed, however Ron's wand still being taped up made it backfire sending Lockhart into the roof which caused a bunch of rocks fall blocking our way from returning,

"Trixie" Harry whispered as he helped me up, I groaned

"Harry! Trixie!" Ron called out from the other side,

"Ron, are you okay?!" Harry asked,

"I'm fine" He replied making Harry sigh in relief,

"Hello, who are you?" Lockhart asked.

"Ron Weasley" Ron replied uncertain,

"Really? And who am I?" Lockhart asked,

"Lockhart's memory charm backfired. He hasn't got a clue who he is" Ron told us, I punched the air with joy,

"It's an odd sort of place, isn't it. Do you live here?" Lockhart asked,

"No" Ron answered,

"Really?" Lockhart asked before I heard an impact making me laugh,

"What I do now?!" Ron asked,

"You wait here and try and shift some of this rock so we can get through. We'll go on and find Ginny" Harry ordered as he came over to me and lead me to a door.

"You can do this one" I commented, he spoke some Parseltongue and the door opened, we went in and I noticed Ginny on the floor not moving, I slid down the ladder and ran over to her, dropping down next to her

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