Chapter 44

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Trixie's POV

I was making my way back from the library when I bumped into Harry and Ron, who seemed in a daze,

"What's with him?" I asked as I assisted Harry to support Ron,

"Love potion" Harry answered making my eyes widen,

"It must have been a bloody strong one" I commented as we made our way to Slughorn's office, Harry left Ron with me and knocked on the door, Slughorn peeped through the hole,

"I'm sorry sir. I wouldn't bother you if it weren't absolutely essential" Harry said,

"Where's Romilda?" Ron asked, I rolled my eyes, Of course it would be Romilda

"What's the matter with Wenby?" Slughorn questioned,

"Very powerful love potion" Harry whispered,

"Very well. Better bring him in" Slughorn sighed as he opened the door, I dragged Ron inside and sat him on the couch as Slughorn brewed the remedy, "I'd have thought you could whip up a remedy for this in no time, Harry" Slughorn commented,

"Well, I thought this called for a more practiced hand, sir" Harry replied before Ron made his way over to Slughorn and hugged him,

"Hello darling. Fancy a drink?" Ron asked making me chuckle,

"Perhaps you're right" Slughorn commented as Harry unlatched Ron from him and sat him back down on the couch,

"I'm sorry, by the way, professor, about earlier today, our misunderstanding" Harry apologized making me raise an eyebrow,

"Oh, not at all. All water under the bridge, you know? Correct?" Slughorn dismissed,

"I suppose you're tired of it, after all these years. All the questions about Voldemort" I commented,

"Don't use that name" Slughorn demanded before Ron fell off the back of the couch making me sigh, Harry and I lifted him up and placed him back on the couch as Slughorn brought over the remedy, "There you are, old boy. Bottoms up" He said handing the remedy to Ron,

"What's this?" Ron asked, Harry and Slughorn both looked at each other making me roll my eyes,

"A tonic for the nerves" I answered, the other two nodded in agreement and Ron took a mouthful,

"What happened to me?" Ron questioned,

"Love potion" Harry answered,"

"A bloody strong one at that" Slughorn commented as he removed the tonic from Ron's hand and went over to a cabinet,

"I feel really bad" Ron stated, I hummed

"I wouldn't be surprised you've just been super happy and now you're back to reality" I commented,

"You need a pick-me-up" Slughorn announced as he brought over four flute glasses full of alcoholic substance, we each took one and Ron necked it before collapsing making my eyes widen as I sniffed the drink,

"Poison" I stated before setting it down and running over to the cabinet in search for a remedy,

"Ron. Ron! Professor do something!" Harry yelled,

"I-I don't understand" Slughorn retorted, I found a Bezoar

"Harry give him this!" I ordered as I threw it him,

"Come on Ron, breathe" Harry pleaded as I headed over to them again, I sighed in relief as Ron let out a large gasp for air and began to breathe again,

"These girls, they're gonna kill me" He commented making Harry and myself chuckle shaking our heads at him before we picked him up and took him to the Hospital Wing.


I looked up from Ron's sleeping figure along with Hermione, Ginny and Harry as Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape and Slughorn approached us,

"Quick thinking on your part, Trixie using a Bezoar. You must be very proud of your student, Horace" Dumbledore said,

"Hm? Oh yes, very proud" Slughorn agreed, obviously still in shock that he accidentally poisoned a student,

"I think we agree that Lestrange's actions were heroic. The question is, why were they necessary?" McGonagall asked,

"Why indeed. This appears to be a gift Horace. You don't remember who gave you this bottle?" Dumbledore questioned as the Professor's began talking between themselves Lavender entered,

"Where is he? Where's my Won-won? Has he been asking for me?" She asked as she bent over the bottom of his bed, she noticed Hermione's presence causing her to glare at her, "What's she doing here?" She sneered,

"I could ask you the same question" Hermione defended as she stood up, 

"I happen to be his girlfriend" Lavender retorted,

"I happen to be his...friend" Hermione stated making me smirk,

"Don't make me laugh, you haven't spoken in weeks. I suppose you want to make up now that he's all interesting" Lavender scoffed making my smirk drop,

"He's been poisoned you daft dimbo!" I snap,

"And for the record, I've always found him interesting" Hermione added before Ron began to stir,

"Ah, see? He senses my presence. Don't worry, Won-won. I'm here" She said smugly, I gritted my teeth together,

"Uh...Hermione...Hermione..." Ron muttered making Hermione's eyes widen and a smirk appear on my face as I look Lavender up and down, she ran off crying,

"Ah, young love" Dumbledore commented before him and the Professors left, Ginny, Harry and myself went to leave,

"About time, don't you think?" Ginny commented as Hermione sat at Ron's side holding his hand, I nodded

"Oh shut up" Hermione said as she fought the smile from her face, I held my hands up in defense as I back away with a smile.

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