Chapter 49

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Trixie's POV

"You dare talk to me like that in my own house?!" I overheard Lucius yell waking me up, I had been locked up in the Malfoy Manor after Mother found out that I'd secretly been covering up the Order's and Harry's tracks, well she ordered me to be killed but Auntie Narcissa just locked me up because I'm pregnant, she comes in daily to make sure I've eaten and drank something to keep me relatively healthy,

"Was it you dearie?" Mother questioned making me raise an eyebrow as I stood up, "Give me her wand. We'll see what her last spell was" Mother cackled before gasping, "What is that? Where'd you get that from?" She questioned,

"It was in her bag when we searched her. Reckon it's mine now" A male voice replied before there was a commotion,

"Out! Get out!" Mother screamed, "Cissy put the boys in the cellar. I want to have a little conversation with this one, girl-to-girl!" Mother snapped making my eyes widened as I heard Hermione's screams and sobs, I approached the wall that Auntie Narcissa always enters through and placed my hands on it,

"Bombarda!" I jinxed causing a large enough explosion for me to escape, Wormtail was coming down the stairs so I hid and as he came around the corner I punched him across the face, I took his wand and followed the stairs down where I found Harry and Ron,

"Trixie" They both exclaimed, I gave them a small smile as I unlocked the cell door,

"How are you here?" Harry asked as we made our way back upstairs,

"Questions later. Let's get Hermione and leave" I whispered a reply before we got up to the main level where Hermione was laying on the floor with tears running down her face as Mother was confronting a goblin, I growled as I stood up and approached the family,

"Trixie..." Hermione mumbled,

"Expelliarmus!" I jinxed Mother gaining her wand, I handed Harry Wormtail's wand as him and Ron joined my side, as we fought against Draco, Narcissa and Lucius,

"Stop! Drop your wands!" Mother demanded as she held Hermione with a poisoned blade to her neck, I narrowed my eyes at her and dropped the wand, followed by Ron and Harry, Mother whispered something to Hermione, "Lucius call him!" She ordered, so Lucius pulled his sleeve up revealing the Dark mark and he went to call Father but was stopped by squeaking making us all look up to the chandelier and see Dobby, I smiled slightly before he unscrewed the bolt making the chandelier fall making Mother push Hermione forward, so Ron and I went forward to grab her from the landing area as Harry retrieved our wands from Draco before we all gathered around Dobby, "Stupid Elf. You could've kill me!" Mother snapped making me roll my eyes,

"Dobby never meant to kill. Dobby only meant to maim or seriously injure" Dobby retorted, then Narcissa went to jinx us but he snapped his fingers making it fly out of her hand,

"How dare you take a witch's wand?! How dare you defy your masters?!" Mother yelled,

"Dobby has no master. Dobby is a free elf. And Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends!" Dobby asserted as we all took a hold of him and he apparated us out of the Manor.

We arrived on a beach making me groan as I sat up and saw Luna heading over to Harry as he cradled Dobby's body making my eyes widen,

"Dobby..." I trailed off as I forced myself to stand, Hermione tackled me with a hug as she silently sobbed into my shoulder,

"I've been so worried about you. You shouldn't have been in that place. Why was you there?" She questioned,

"I gave myself up at the Wedding to allow the Order escape. I managed to convince them that I was apart of them and cover up your tracks along with the Orders but they found out and kept me captive" I explained as we headed over to the cottage to find Bill and Fluer inside, Fluer came over to me and gave me a hug,

"Thank you" She whispered pulling away, I nodded, her eyes drifted to my stomach making me place a hand over the small bump, "You're with child?" She asked, I slowly nodded.

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