Chapter 37

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Trixie's POV
Hermione, Ron, Harry and myself were stood on the bridge, "Psst" Hagrid said as he peeped around the corner of the wall, I tilted my head, "Hagrid? What's up?" I whispered, he mention for us to follow him and he took us into the Forbidden Forest, "Any idea where he's taking us?" Ron asked, I shrugged "Hagrid, why can't you just tell us?" Harry asked but we came to a stop as the Centaurs raced past, "I've never seen the Centaurs so riled. And they're dangerous at the best of times. The Ministry restricts their territory much they'll have a full uprising on their hands" Hagrid explained before leading us further in.

"Hagrid, what's going on?" Hermione asked, "I'm sorry to be so mysterious, you four, I wouldn't be bothering you at all with it, bit with Dumbledore gone, I'll  likely be getting the sack any day now. And I couldn't leave without telling someone about him" He said as he began to tear up then a Giant came from behind a tree making my eyes widened, "Grawpy. Down here, you great buffoon" Hagrid said as we all backed away as he came to grab us but was stopped by his restriction rope, I sighed in relief and sat on the ground.

"Grawpy. Brought you some company. I couldn't leave him, because-because he's my brother" Hagrid explained, "Shit" I muttered as my jaw dropped, "Well, half-brother really. He's completely harmless, just like I said. Little high-spirited is all" Hagrid said before Grawpy picked me up, "Grawpy! That's not polite" Hagrid said, "Hagrid do something!" Harry yelled, "We talked about this! You do not grab, do you?! That's your new friend Trixie!" Hagrid yelled, I clicked my fingers gaining Grawpy's attention.

"Listen up, you buffoon. Put me down now!" I ordered, his face dropped and he placed me back down next to Harry, "You okay?" He asked, I nodded as I watched Grawpy go get something, "Fine. Just needs a firm hand, is all" I say, "I think you've got am admirer" Hermione said as Grawpy pulled out a bicycle handle and held it out to me, I took it and rang the bell and he seemed pleased with it, so I did it repetitively,  "He gets his own food and all" Hagrid said and I gave Grawpy back the handle and he began to ring it himself, "It's company he'll be needing when I'm gone. You'll look after, won't you? I'm the only family he's got" Hagrid said, we all nodded and smiled at him.
I was wandering around the castle and it was coming close to curfew when I heard sobbing, I raised an eyebrow and turned a corner to see a young Hufflepuff girl crying, "Hey, what's up?" I asked as I crouched down in front of her, she didn't answer me but held her hand, I gently took it and saw 'I must behave' craved into it, "What's your name?" I asked, "Maria" She said, I took her face in my hands and wiped her tears, "Your hand's going to be fine, Maria. It's not as bead as it seems. See?" I asked showing the previous two and the new one as well, her eyes widened and looked at her own again as I moved my hand over it, making it heal slightly and a daisy to appear on top of her hand.

"See it's already fading" I say giving her a smile, she returned it so I patted her leg and stood up, "What do you say to having some Hot Chocolate and biscuits from the kitchen?" I asked extending my hand to her, her eyes lit up as she nodded and took my hand making me chuckle softly before making our way to the Kitchen when I heard someone else crying, "What's your name?" I heard George ask as I turned around the corner to them talking to a Gryffindor first year, I smiled "Michael" The first year said, "Your hand's gonna be fine, Micheal" Fred said as I approached them with Maria.

"It's not as bad as it seems. See? It's fading already" George said, "You can hardly see ours anymore, and the pain stops after a while" Fred said before I made myself known as I crouched down to Micheal, taking his hand and healing it slightly, "Now, what would you say to Hot Chocolate and Biscuits with Maria and myself?" I asked, he smiled and nodded as I stood up and held my hand for him to take, he did so and I smiled towards the twins before it dropped as an annoying cough hit my ears, I turned to face Umbridge putting the first years behind me.

"As I've told you before Miss Riddle, naughty children deserve to be punished" She said, "I will happily take their punishments and any other first years punishment. So, if you even dare to touch them again, I'll put you down myself" I growled, she smiled and walked off, I let out a frustrated sigh before smiling to the first years, "Come on let's get you them snacks" I say leading them away, we arrived in the kitchen and the elves were hard at work, "Miss Trixie, what can I do for you?" Dolly asked as she ran up to me, I smiled "Hello Dolly. Would you mind getting Micheal and Maria some Hot Chocolate and biscuits, please" I say.

She nodded "No problem. Go make yourselves comfy" She said, we sat down at the table and she brought them over before going back to work with the other elves, after they drank and ate their snack and talking about subjects I was taking them back to their Common rooms, we arrived outside the Hufflepuff Common room after dropping off Micheal at the Gryffindor Common room, Maria hugged me, stunning me, she pulled away and gave me a bright smile "Thank you so much Trixie" She smiled, I returned it "Don't worry about it Maria" I say, "You're nothing like the other Slytherin's!" She exclaimed making my smile widen, "I'll see you around, yeah?" I asked, she nodded and left.

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