Chapter 18

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Trixie's POV
Hermione, Harry, Ron and myself were on our way down to Hagrid's as today was the day that Buckbeak was going to be executed for attacking Draco, unlucky for him we bumped into him "You foul loathsome evil little cockroach!" Hermione yelled as she pulled out her wand and held it against his neck making me smirk, "Hermione, no! He's not worth it" Ron said, she seemed to take some thought before lowering her wand and returning to us which made Draco laugh, Hermione turned around quickly and punched him in the face making my jaw drop as they ran away, "That felt good" She said, I laughed and wrapped an arm over her shoulder "I'm so proud" I say making her laugh as we made our way down to Hagrid's.

"Scabbers. You're alive" Ron said as Hagrid handed the rat to him, "I think you owe someone an apology" Hermione said, "Right. Next time I see Crookshanks, I'll let him know" Ron said, "I was meaning me" She growled before a jar smashed, "Blimey. What was that?" Hagrid asked as Hermione picked something up before Harry was hit "Hagrid" Harry said as he looked out of the window, "Oh crikey, it's late. It's nearly dark. You shouldn't be here. If someone sees you outside this time of night you'll be in trouble. Particularly you two" Hagrid said pointing at me and Harry before they was a knock on the door, "With you in a moment" he said as he covered up the other creatures in the shed.

Ron and Hermione left, I went to follow "Hagrid. Everything, will be fine. It'll be okay" Harry said, he nodded before I grabbed Harry's hand and dragged him to the backdoor as the Minister, Dumbledore and the Executor came through the front door we left and hid behind the pumpkins, a twig snapped making Hermione turn around, "What?" I asked, "I thought I just saw-Never mind" She said, "Let's go" Ron said we all ran up the hill and stood by the stones, as we saw the executor slice down making Hermione turned into Ron's shoulder and cried, Harry turned and looked at me as I glared down at the Executor, "Ow" Ron said as his rat dropped from this hand, I raised an eyebrow "He bit me, Scabbers" Ron said before chasing his rat towards the Whomping Willow.

"Guys, you realise what tree this is" I say as I prevented them from going much further, "That's not good. Ron run!" Hermione said, Ron turned to us and his eyes widened "Harry! Hermione! Trixie! Run! It's the grim!" Ron yelled as he pointed behind us, I turned around and saw that he wasn't lying, I moved Harry and Hermione behind before turning into my wolf and growled at it, it barked before charging and jumped over us, bit into Ron's foot and dragged him inside the Whomping Willow, "Trixie go after them" Hermione said, I looked up at her before charging and getting inside the Whomping Willow, I changed back and waited for Harry and Hermione.

"Took your time" I say as they finally arrived, I helped them up and we followed the marks "We're in the Shrieking Shack, aren't we?" Hermione asked, "Come on" I say as I lead them into a room to find Ron whimpering on a chair, Harry and Hermione went over him, I followed them prepared for anything, "It's a trap. He's the dog. He's an Animagus" Ron said pointing to the door, I stood in front of them as Sirius made himself visible, "If you want to kill Harry, you'll have to kill us too" Hermione said, "Only one will die tonight" Sirius said, "Then it'll be you!" Harry yelled as he charged at him and pinned him to the floor with his wand pointing to his face.

Sirius chuckled, Yep, definitely family "Are you going to kill me Harry?" He asked, "Expelliarmus!" Lupin jinxed as he entered the room sending Harry's wand into the air, I pulled Harry up and behind me "Well, well, Sirius looking rather ragged, aren't we? Finally, the flesh reflects the madness within" Lupin said, "You'd know all about the madness within wouldn't you?" Sirius asked as a smile crept upon his face, Lupin lowered his wand and helped him up, "I found him" Sirius said, "I know" Lupin said, "No, I trusted you! And all this time you've been his friend. He's a werewolf! That's why he's been missing classes" Hermione said, Lupin looked at me and I shook my head.

"How long have you known?" Lupin asked, "Since Professor Snape set the essay" Hermione said, "Well, Hermione, Trixie already beat you to that" Lupin said, "Enough talk, Remus. Come on let's kill" Sirius said, "Wait" Lupin said with a stern voice, "I did my waiting! Twelve years of it! In Azkaban!" Sirius yelled, "Very well, but Harry deserves to know why-" "I already know why. He betrayed them, you're the reason they're dead!" Harry yelled, "No, it wasn't him. Somebody did betray them, somebody who until quite recently, I believed to be dead" Lupin said, I raised an eyebrow "Who?" I asked, "Peter Pettigrew. And he's in this room! Right now!" Sirius yelled.

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