Chapter 48

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Trixie's POV

"Freddy wake u-Argh!" George screamed waking the two of us up, I held the cover up to my chest as we sat up,

"Dude!" Fred exclaimed,

"You guys did it?! I'm telling Mum!" He yelled as he went to leave but my hand shot out towards the door making it slam shut and lock, "Hey!" He exclaimed, I quickly slipped on some shorts and shirt before approaching George,

"You're not telling your Mum. In fact you're not going to tell anyone. Understood?" I demanded, he sighed and nodded

"Yes" He said in defeat,

"Good. Now get out" I say as I opened the door, he left and Fred came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist,

"Have I ever told you how good you look in my clothes?" He asked, I smiled leaning back into him,

"No, but you have plenty of time to do so" I say as I held up my left hand showing off the engagement ring, he tilted my head back and kissed me,

"Indeed I have. We best get ready for the wedding" He commented, I nodded in agreement before I left the room and joined Ginny and Hermione in getting ready.


I made my way downstairs close behind George, we crept into the Kitchen as Ginny and Harry were snogging, I raised an eyebrow and exchanged a look with George, they broke a part and looked towards us,

"Morning" George winked taking a sip of his coffee making me shake my head and look towards him to find that he had stuck his toothbrush in his ear, I took it out and hit him with it,

"What did I say about sticking things in your ear?" I snapped, he set down his mug and defend himself against me,

"Alright I'm sorry. Jeez" He apologised making me smile before we went outside and helped prepare for the wedding.

As we finished raising the tent in place the Minister of Magic arrived,

"Bloody hell. What's the Minister of Magic doing here?" George asked as he approached the house,

"Could I speak to Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Trixie Riddle-Lestrange and Ronald Weasley inside" He requested, I raised an eyebrow and followed Ron and Harry inside,

"To what do we owe the pleasure, Minister?" Harry asked as the three of them sat down and I stood at the side,

"I think we both know the answer to that question, Mr Potter" He replied as he sat across from them and opened a briefcase,

"And this is?" I asked as he laid out a cloth on the table and held up a piece of parchment,

"Herein is set forth, the last will and testament of Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. First, to Ronald Bilius Weasley, I leave my Deluminator, a device of my own making, in hope that when things seem most dark it will show him the light" The Minister read out as he handed over the device,

"Dumbledore left this for me?" Ron ask in disbelief as he tested out the device,

"Yeah" Minister answered,

"Brilliant" Ron commented,

"To Hermione Jean Granger, I leave my copy of 'The Tales of Beedle the Bard', in hope that she will find it entertaining and instructive" Minister read as he handed her the book, "To Harry James Potter, I leave the Snitch he caught in his first Quidditch Match at Hogwarts as a reminder of the rewards of perseverance and skill" He read out as he handed the Snitch over, something gleamed in the corner of his eye making me raise an eyebrow as Harry took it from him and it dropped, "And to Trixie Sage Riddle-Lestrange, I leave the Sword of Gryffindor, but I'm sorry. Unfortunately, the Sword of Gryffindor was not Dumbledore's to give away. As an important historical artifact, it belongs to-"

"Trixie. It belongs to Trixie, when she needed it in the Chamber of Secrets" Hermione argued, I shook my head

"It's fine Hermione. Anyways it wouldn't be a good idea, a Slytherin in possession of Gryffindor's artifact. I understand where the Minister is coming from" I reasoned,

"And in any event, the current whereabouts of the sword are unknown" The Minister added gaining my attention,

"Excuse me?" I questioned,

"The sword is missing. I don't know what you're up to Mr Potter and Miss Riddle-Lestrange but you can't fight this war on your own. He's too strong" Minister informed us, I rolled my eyes and stood up straight,

"We know. Now if you're done you can leave as we have a wedding to prepare for" I demanded before leaving the room.


I let out a small laugh as Fred twirled me around before we continued to dance,

"Fred enough! My feet are tired" I complained as a smile was permanently stuck on my face,

"Never!" He laughed as he lifted me up into the air then set me on my feet,

"You're stealing the show brother" Bill commented as he and Fluer came over to us, we both let out a breathless laugh

"Sorry, someone just can't stand not being in the spotlight" I commented as I nudged Fred causing him to shoot a playful glare at me

"I allowed you all the spotlight last night" He whispered making my eyes widen as heat rose to my cheeks,

"It doesn't matter. You're enjoying yourselves. Perhaps you'll be the next couple to get married" Fluer commented making me smile,

"Well, she's agreed to marry me we just need to set a date" Fred replied as he placed a hand on my waist, their eyes widened as I held up my left hand showing the ring,

"Congratulations" Bill said to Fred before I noticed a blue orb appear in the sky and head towards the tent, I raised an eyebrow as it stopped in the middle of the tent,

"The Ministry has fallen. The Minister of Magic is dead. They are coming. They are coming" Shacklebolt said before the orb disappeared causing everyone to disaparate and panic, I withdrew my wand, just as Death Eaters arrived,

"I love you" Fred and I said in unison causing both of us to smile before we engaged in battle, I noticed Hermione, Harry and Ron apparate out of the tent making me sigh in relief before Mother arrived,

"Moony!" I yelled as I fired a curse at a Death eater that was gaining on him, "I know what I have to do. Get everyone to clear off. Now" I demanded, his eyes filled with worry but he nodded anyways and began to get the Order members to retreat,

"Trixie!" I heard Fred yelled as I was surrounded by Death eaters,

"Enough! Do you have any idea who I am?!" I snapped at the Death eaters, gaining all their attention, allowing the Order to escape, "I am Trixie Riddle-Lestrange and should you even harm a hair on me, my Father will not hesitate to kill you" I threatened, Mother approached me

"Finally decided to join us?" She asked as she stalked me,

"We both know that I would've joined the winning side eventually. I just needed to gain information first" I replied as a smirk made it's way on to my face, one made it's way on to Mother's face as she cackled before giving the order to leave.

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