Chapter 51

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Trixie's POV
"Who gave that to you? The mirror?" Harry asked,

"Mundungus Fletcher, about a year ago" Aberforth answered,

"Mundungus had no right. It belonged to-"

"Sirius Black. Albus told me. He also told me that's you both would be hacked off if you ever found out that I had it, but ask yourself, where would you be if I didn't?" He asked cutting me off, I looked towards Harry and sighed, Aberforth disappeared for a moment before returning with butterbeer and food,

"Do you hear from the others much? From the Order?" Hermione asked as she took her food,

"The Order's finished. You-know-who's won. Anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves" Aberforth said,

"We need to get into Hogwarts, tonight. Dumbledore gave me a job to do" Harry stated,

"Did he now? Nice job? Easy?" Aberforth spoke sarcastically,

"We've been hunting horcruxes. We think the last one is inside the castle, but we'll need help getting in" Harry replied,

"That's not a job my brother's given you. It's suicide mission. Do yourselves a favour, go home and live" Aberforth scoffed,

"Dumbledore trusted us to see this through" Harry retorted,

"What makes you think you can trust him? You think you can believe anything my brother told you? In all the time you knew him, did he ever mention my name? Did he ever mention hers?" Aberforth questioned pointing to a portrait of a young girl on the wall,

"Why should he-?"

"Keep secrets? You tell me" Aberforth cut Harry off,

"I trusted him" Harry answered,

"That's a boys answer. A boy who goes chasing Horcruxes in the word of a man who wouldn't even tell him where to start. You're lying! Not just to me, that doesn't matter. To yourself as well. That's what a fool does. You don't strike me as a fool, Harry Potter. So I'll ask you again. There must be a reason" Aberforth snapped,

"We're not interested in what happened between you and your brother. We don't care that you've given up. We trusted the man we knew. And we need to get into the castle tonight" Harry retorted, Aberforth looked towards the portrait of the girl

"You know is what to do" He spoke, she nodded,

"Where have you sent her?" I asked,

"You'll see soon enough" he answered

"That's your sister, Ariana, isn't it?" Hermione asked,

"She died very young, didn't she?" I questioned,

"My brother sacrificed many things on his journey to find power, including Ariana. And she was devoted to him. He gave her everything but time" Aberforth replied,

"Thank you, Mr Dumbledore" I said, he gave a small nod before disappearing, I turned to Harry, "He's saves your lives twice. Kept an eye on you in that mirror. That doesn't seem like someone who's given up" I commented before I noticed Ariana coming back with someone, the portrait opened revealing Neville,

"Neville! You look-"

"Like hell, I reckon. This is nothing. Seams is worse. Hey Ab, we've got a couple more coming through" Neville said cutting Harry off, I was helped into the portrait hole and followed Neville through the passageway, we got to the other portrait hole and Neville turned to us, "Let's have a bit of fun, shall we?" He said before he opened the portrait, "Hey, listen up, you lot, brought you a surprise!" Neville called out,

"Not more of Aberforth's cooking I hope. Be a surprise if we can digest it" Seamus comment gaining a couple laughs, Neville stepped aside revealing the four of us, "Blimey!" He exclaimed before everyone began clapping, we got down the ladder and the three of them were tackled with hugs,

"Okay, let's not kill him before You-know-who" Neville commented making me chuckle, "What's the plan Harry?"

"Okay. There's something we need to find. Something hidden here in the castle. And it may help us to defeat You-know-who" Harry said,

"Right. What is it?" Neville questioned,

"We don't know" Harry answered,

"Where is it?" Dean asked,

"We don't know that either. I realise it's not much to go on" Harry commented, I rolled my eyes

"It's definitely not a lot to go by. But if you actually listened to me earlier then you would've heard me deduct that it's something to do with Ravenclaw and that it could possibly be the Diadem" I snapped gaining everyone's attention, everyone's attention was averted from me when Ginny came in,

"Harry..." she trailed off,

"Six months she hasn't seen me and it's like I'm Frankie first-year. I'm only her brother" Ron grumbled,

"Aye but she's got lots of them. There's only one Harry" Seamus stated,

"Shut up Seamus" Ron growled,

"What is it Ginny?" Neville asked,

"Snape knows. He knows that Harry was spotted in Hogsmeade" she informed, everyone changed into their Gryffindor robes and Hermione handed me one,

"I need to get to the Slytherin common room" I stated,

"What? Why?" Ron asked as he and Harry came over,

"I can convince them to join us" I answered,

"And how exactly are you going to get down there?" Hermione asked,

"She can take my invisibility cloak" Harry said as he held it out to me, I smiled and nodded

"Thank you. See you soon" I say before leaving the room and putting the cloak on.

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