Chapter 17

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Trixie's POV

"Trixie, lovely to see you again. Tonight, Harry will be joining us" Lupin said as I entered the room, I nodded and sat down as we waited for Harry to arrive, "Harry, there you are. You came. Are you sure about this? It's very advanced magic, well beyond the ordinary Wizarding level" Lupin said breaking me from my daydreaming, "I'm sure" He said, I nodded "A Patronus is a positive force, for the wizard or witch who conjures one it works like a shield, with the Dementor feeding off it rather than them" I explained, which seemed to shock him "You're here too?" He asked, I nodded "I've been learning from the beginning of the year" I say.

"Now, in  order for it to work you need to think of a memory. Not just any memory, a very happy memory, a very powerful memory. Would you care for Trixie to do a demonstration?" Lupin explained, Harry shook his head making me raise an eyebrow, "Very well, then speak the incantation. Expecto Patronum" Lupin said, "Expecto Patronum" Harry repeated, "Very good, shall we? Wand at the ready" Lupin said, Harry did so as did I as he opened the chest and a Dementor came out, "Expecto Patronum" He said but nothing happened, he went to say it again but fell unconscious, I stood over Harry's body "Expecto Patronum" I say as I pointed my wand at it, a bright white light came our and I placed it back in the chest.

"Very quick on the reflex, Trixie" He said, I shrugged "Got to have quick reflexes to be a Chaser" I say, he let out a half-hearted laugh and sat Harry on the step as he came around, "What happened?" Harry asked as he took the chocolate that Lupin offered him, "You fell unconscious and I saved your arse" I say, "Oh...Thanks" He said, I chuckled and ruffled his hair "Now try again but don't suck as much" I say, he laughed as he shoved me lightly as he got up, I smiled "If I have to I'll save your arse as many times that is needed" I say, he smiled as he nodded and pulled out his wand.

Lupin smiled before opening the chest, Harry managed to not fail and put the Dementor back in the chest, his punched the air as a celebration making me shake my head and smile before he tackled me with a hug making me laugh "I did it. You don't have to save my arse" He said as he pulled away, "I wasn't just meaning this, I mean in general" I say, his mouth formed an 'o' as the realisation hit him, but he smiled and nodded "The dynamic duo" He said making me chuckle and nod.

After Harry left, I turned to Lupin, "What's on your mind Trixie?" He asked, "Are you a Werewolf?" I asked, he seized up and stayed silent, "I can promise you, that I'll not tell anyone" I say, he turned slowly to me "How did you figure it out?" he asked, "When Snape taught us about Animagus' and Werewolves, I figured it out that you and him weren't on the best of terms since you went to school together, along with Peter, Sirius and James, who constantly teased him, then I realised that Sirius was an Animagus along with James and Peter, so that left you, who's Boggart was a full moon. So, I seem to be the only one who connected the dots" I explained.

He rested against the desk, "I must say you are one of the brightest witches of your age" He said, I smiled "Thanks" I say before going to leave "Enjoy your night sir" I say before leaving.

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