Chapter 50

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Trixie's POV

I was woken up by Hermione making me groan as I sat up,

"Come on Trixie. We're leaving" She encouraged, I hummed and stood up and got changed into the clothes that Fluer had laid out for me, we were breaking into Mother's vault at Gringott's because the next Horcrux was presumed to be there, we made our way to Dobby's gravestone, Hermione had used Polyjuice potion to turn into Mother as Ron had done with another Death eater, Harry and Griphook were going to use the Invisibility Cloak to stay hidden and I was going as myself,

"We're relying on you. If you get us past the guards and into the vault, the Sword's yours" Harry bargained making me raise an eyebrow before he apparated us to Diagon Alley, Hermione and I walked up some steps,

"Madam Lestrange" A male greeted,

"Move along" I hissed since Hermione froze up, he nodded and continued his way, they all looked towards me, I shrugged "What? When you act as a Death eater you pick up a few things" I stated before we made our way into Gringott's, we made our way up to the desk,

"I want to enter my vault" Hermione said,

"Identification?" The Goblin replied making me scoff rolling my eyes,

"That won't be necessary" Hermione commented making the Goblin look up,

"Madam Lestrange. Madam Riddle" The Goblin acknowledge before walking off,

"Don't keep me waiting" Hermione demanded, moments later the Goblin returned with another one,

"Madam Lestrange, would you mind presenting your wand?" The Goblin requested,

"Why should you need that?" Hermione asked,

"It's the banks policy. I'm sure you understand given the current climate" The Goblin answered, I rolled my eyes,

"In case you missed it. My Mother's wand has been stolen by none other than Harry Potter. Therefore she's unable to present it because he has it. So how about you be a good Goblin and allow us into her vault immediately" I snapped making his eyes widened as he sniffed the air,

"Apologies Madam Lestrange. If you will follow me" He sighed before leading us to a cart, we went through a waterfall before the cart came to a halt and dropped us,

"Arresto Momentum" I jinxed stopping us all before the ground,

"Oh no, you look like you again" Harry commented, I rolled my eyes,

"The Thief's Downfall, washes away all enchantments. Can be deadly" Griphook informed,

"You don't say, Just out of interest, is there any other way out of here?" Ron asked,

"No" Griphook replied,

"What the devil are all you doing down here? When you gave up the keys, you-"

"Imperio" I cursed at the other Goblin shutting him up, "I hate it when they babble" I commented as we walked along the cavern until we came across a Ukrainian Ironbelly making my eyes widen,

"Bloody hell. That's a Ukrainian Ironbelly" Ron stated as Griphook handed us bells, he began shaking it and we all followed pursuit as we headed towards the vaults,

"It's been trained to expect pain when it hears the noise" Griphook informed,

"That's horrible" I commented as we got to the other side, I set down the bell and tilted my head at the dragon,

"Trixie no" Hermione said, I turned to them

"Get the Horcrux. I'll keep guard" I demanded, they all nodded reluctantly and enter Mother's vault, I slowly approached the dragon, "It's alright. I'm not going to hurt you" I confessed as I stood in front of it's head, it sniffed at me before lightly nudging itself into my bump, I smiled and stroked its head before Griphook and the other Goblin ran past me as guards appeared making my eyes widened, I noticed Harry, Hermione and Ron hiding behind the walls from the curses, "I hope you can still fly" I said to the dragon as I gain Hermione's attention, she nodded and jumped on the dragons back, followed by Ron and Harry, I climbed on it's head,

"Relashio!" Hermione jinxed releasing the chain's hold, the dragon burst through the roof and flew away, I smiled and looked back to the other three, we had been flying a while and came across a lake,

"Jump!" I demanded and we all jumped off, I apparated at the last moment and appeared on the land as the other three made their way over to me drenched,

"Well that didn't go to plan" Hermione commented as they all got changed out of the wet clothes,

"When has anything we planned gone right?" Harry retorted making me nod,

"So, what's the plan now?" I asked,

"I believe another Horcrux is in the castle. Something about Rowena Raveclaw. And we've got to go there now" Harry explained,

"Ravenclaw's Diadem. Father's had something from each house. Slytherin's Locket, Hufflepuff's cup. Gryffindor's sword can destroy them. It makes sense" I commented, they all finished changing and we apparated to Hogsmade before an alarm went off, so we ran and hid, my eyes widened as two Snatchers were gaining on our position before the alarm went off elsewhere sending them in that direction, I sighed in relief,

"Potter!" Someone hissed making me raise an eyebrow, we went down a dead-end,

"Great now what?" I growled as I heard the footsteps getting closer,

"Potter, in here" Someone hissed as a door opened, we shrugged at each other and entered,

"Did you get a look at him? For a second, I thought it was-"

"I know, Dumbledore" Hermione said cutting Ron off,

"You bloody fools. What were you thinking coming here? Have you any idea how dangerous it it?" Aberforth scolded,

"You're Aberforth, Albus' brother" I stated,

"It's you who I've been seeing. You sent Dobby" Harry asserted,

"Where have you left him?" He asked,

"He's dead" I answered,

"Sorry to hear it. I liked that elf" He replied making me hum.

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