Chapter 40

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Trixie's POV
I was stood outside the Burrow looking up at the stars, a rush of wind came making me turn slightly to see Dumbledore stood there, "What brings you here Professor?" I asked as he approached me, "I'm in need of a favour" He said, I raised an eyebrow and faced him, "And this favour, what does it include?" I asked, "Joining myself to meet an old friend" He said, "Let's go" I say, he put his hand out and I took it and we apparated to a train platform, "I thought we were going to see your friend" I say, "We will. Harry's going to be joining us" He said as Harry approached us.

"You've been reckless this summer" Dumbledore noted, "I like riding on trains" Harry said making me roll my eyes and noticed Dumbledore's blackening hand, "Rather unpleasant to behold, isn't it? The tale is thrilling, if I say so myself. But now is not the time to tell it. Take my arm" He said, we both did so and apparated again, we arrived in a small village "We just apparated, didn't we?" Harry asked, I gave him a deadpan look, "Indeed. Quite successfully too, I might add most people vomit the first time" Dumbledore replied, "Can't imagine why" I say as I followed him.

"Welcome to the charming village of Budleigh Babberton, I assume right about now, you're wondering why I brought you here. Am I right?" Dumbledore asked as we stopped at the gate of a house, "If I'm honest sir, I just sort of go with it" Harry said making me sigh as I lead the way into the house to find it bombarded, I pulled out my wand and wandered around the room, "Horace?" Dumbledore whispered, I noticed an armchair that was untouched from the destruction, I raised an eyebrow and touched it with the tip of my wand and a fairly old man popped out the top, "I believe I found your friend, Professor!" I announced making him and Harry appear next to me.

"There was no need to disfigure me" Horace said, I raised an eyebrow, "You do make a convincing armchair. Introduction; Harry, Trixie, I'd like you to meet an old friend and colleague of mine, Horace Slughorn. Horace, well, you know" Dumbledore introduced, "Harry Potter and Trixie Riddle-Lestrange" Slughorn chuckled as Dumbledore fixed up the room, "Do you mind if I use the loo?" Dumbledore asked, "No, of course" Slughorn said, Dumbledore left and an awkward silence filled the room, Slughorn cleared his throat "You're very much like your father, Harry. As you are too, Trixie but you're mother. Except for the eyes. You have you're-" "Mother's eyes" "Father's eyes" Harry and I said in unison cutting him off.

"Lily. She was exceedingly bright. Even more impressive when one considers she was a Muggle-born" He said, "My sister is Muggle-born. Best in our year" I say, "Please don't think I'm prejudiced. No, no. Your mother was my absolute favourite, look there she is. Right at the front" He said pointing a photo frame, I looked over them all and noticed father's younger self in one of them, I scoffed, rolling my eyes "All mine, each and everyone of them. Ex-students, I mean. Regulus Black. You no doubt know of his older brother, Sirius. Died a few weeks ago. I thought the whole Black family, except Sirius. It's a shame. Talented boy" He said.

"Horace? Do you mind if I take this?" Dumbledore asked making me turn to face him holding up a magazine, "Yes, of course. But you're not leaving?" Slughorn said, I sighed walking over to the door "I think I know a lost cause when I see one. Regrettable, I would have considered it a personal triumph had you consented to return to Hogwarts. Oh, well. You're like my friends here; one of a kind. Well, bye-bye Horace" Dumbledore said as he left the house, "Goodbye" I waved before following Harry out, we got to the end of the garden when Slughorn came out after us, "Alright. I'll do it. But I want Professor Merrythought's old office, not the water closet I had before. And I expect a raise. These are mad times we live in. Mad!" He demanded before returning back into the house, "Not asking for much then" I commented.

We apparated back to the Burrow and walked towards it when Harry stopped momentarily looking up at the window, I looked up myself and smirked "Someone's got a crush" I teased poking his shoulder, "I do not" He argued chasing me, I chuckled avoiding him "It's a shame that she's with Dean Thomas" I say before going inside, "Hey! Guess who I've found!" I called up the stairs, Molly, Ron, Hermione and Ginny came down the stairs "Harry!" Molly smiled, Ginny hugged him, followed by Hermione and then Ron, "What a lovely surprise" Molly said giving him a hug herself, Ron went to wipe toothpaste off Hermione's mouth but stopped when she gave him a questionable looked making me smirk to myself.

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