Chapter 4

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Trixie's POV

"Trixie! Wake up! It's Christmas!" Hermione yelled, I groaned and got out of bed before she dragged me downstairs,

"Merry Christmas girls" Mrs. Granger smiled,

"Merry Christmas" Hermione and I replied as we sat down where our presents were, I came to my last present which was a small box with a letter on top, I removed the letter and opened it.

'Dear Trixie, my Mother wanted me to give you this. I don't know what it is but she said that it was important so, merry Christmas. I'll see you at school. Draco.'

I smiled and opened the box which had another bit of parchment along with a locket necklace,

'To Trixie Riddle-Lestrange, your mother wanted you to have this, from Auntie Narcissa.'

I raised and eyebrow as I opened the locket, it was a moving picture of myself as a baby along with my Mother, I smiled and closed it before putting it on.


We had got back to school and I was in the common room waiting for Parkinson or Draco to make their appearance,

"Lestrange!" Parkinson yelled as she came over, I smiled and nodded

"How are you Parkinson?" I asked,

"I'm good, what about you?" She asked,

"Good, have you seen Draco anywhere" I asked,

"You're wanting me?" Draco questioned from behind me, I turned around and nodded.

"Follow" I demanded before leading him outside the common room,

"What's so important that we had to come out here?" He asked, I pulled the locket out and opened it,

"This is the present your Mother gave me" I informed,

"So...?" He trailed off, I sighed

"She gave it me and also mentioned that she was my Auntie" I explained, his eyes widened

"So that mean we're cousins" he stated, I rolled my eyes,

"No, it means that we're siblings. Of course, you idiot!" I snapped

"Alright relax. So are you wanting to meet your family?" He asked,

"Meet them?" I repeated, he nodded

"I'm sure, Mother would be delighted to meet you" he asserted, I smiled and nodded.


"I've had you looking in the wrong section" Hermione commented slamming a large book down making Harry and Ron jump, "I checked this out weeks ago for a bit of light reading"

"This is light?" I scoffed earning a glare from her before turning her attention back to the book,

"Nicholas Flamel is the known maker of the Philosopher's Stone" she read out, I raised an eyebrow and looked at the book,

"The what?" Harry and Ron asked, I rolled my eyes

"Don't you two read? The Philosopher's stone is a legendary substance with astonishing powers" I read out,

"I believe a visit to Hagrid is in order" Hermione asserted and the boys nodded.


That night we went to Hagrids to confront him about the Philosophers stone, however Draco saw and snitched on us gaining all five of us a detention, which we were currently heading to Hagrids since he had a job to do in the forest, we made our way through forest when Hagrid split us up, Harry, Draco and myself, along with Fang went one way, while Hagrid, Hermione and Ron went the other,

"Why'd you follow us in the first place, Draco?" I questioned, he ignored me as we stopped to see a cloaked figure drinking from the Unicorn, Draco and Fang ran off yelling/barking while Harry and myself back away slowly from the figure as it came closer, we fell onto some roots, luckily we was saved by Firenze, a centaur, who then warned us that the cloaked figure was Voldemort, aka my Father, but he was weak and only surviving off Unicorn blood.

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