Chapter 29

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Trixie's POV
"Earlier today Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows it's exact position. Now, as Mr Diggory and Mr Potter are tied for first position they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Miss Riddle-Lestrange, then Mr Krum and Miss Delacour. The first person to touch the cup will be the winner. I've instructed staff to patrol the perimeter. Should at any point a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wands. Contestants!" Dumbledore explained before wanting us all to gather.

I stood next to Fleur and we gave a small smile to each other, "In the maze, you'll face something even more challenging. You see people change in the maze. Only find the cup if you can. But be very wary, you could just lose yourselves along the way. Champions prepare yourselves" Dumbledore said, Fleur and myself shook hands and nodded at each other before going to our entrances, I sighed "Miss Riddle you can enter" Moody said making me nod before entering the maze, after many twists and turns, I heard Fleur's scream, I ran in the direction it came from and saw Fleur getting taken under the bush making my eyes widened.

"Trixie" Harry said from behind me, "I'm finding that cup" I growled as I turned to him, his eyes widened as he nodded, "Periculum!" I yelled shoot a red spark in the air before leading Harry through the maze, he turned "Get down!" I yelled as I pushed him to the floor as Krum fired a charm at Cedric, "Get down! Expelliarmus!" He yelled, hitting Krum to the floor before running over to him, "Enough!" I yelled as I pulled him away, "He's bewitched, Cedric!" Harry yelled as Cedric ran off with Harry following, I quickly sent up a red flare before following them.

Cedric tripped up and Harry jumped over him as did I, "Harry!" Cedric yelled making him stop and go to help him, "Trixie!" Harry yelled making me stop and look away from the cup towards him and Cedric as the roots grabbed hold of them, I tilted my head "Trixie please!" Cedric begged, I sighed "Reducto!" I yelled aiming at the roots before running over, pulling them off and helping them up, "I thought you were going to let it get us" They said, I scoffed "Have more faith in me" I say, "Some game, huh?" Cedric asked, I nodded "Some game" Harry said, then the bushes began to move and come after us, we ran towards the cup and stood around it.

"Go on, take it. You saved us!" Cedric said and Harry nodded, "Together" I say, they nodded "Three. Two. One!" We said in Unison and grabbed it and was teleport somewhere, the cup flung itself away from us, I groaned as I laid on the grass looking upon grave, "Where are we?" I asked as I stood up, "I've been here before" Harry said, "It's a Portkey, the cup is a Portkey" Cedric said, I looked upon the grave stone making my eyes widened "I've been here before, in a dream" Harry said, "Harry! Cedric! We have to get back to the cup! Now!" I ordered, "What are you talking about?" Cedric said before I noticed Pettigrew carrying something towards us.

Harry fell to the floor holding his scar, "Get back to the Cup!" I yelled as I saw Dad being carried by Pettigrew making me raise my wand at them, "Put her down" Dad ordered, Pettigrew tried jinxing me but I blocked it, "Who are you? What do you want?" Cedric asked as he aimed his wand at Pettigrew, standing in front of me, "Kill the spare" Dad ordered, "Avada Kedavra!" Pettigrew said killing Cedric making him land at my feet, "Cedric no!" Harry yelled as my eyes widened, Harry was pinned against my family's gravestone, "Do it! Now!" Dad said making me look up to see him get dumped into the cauldron, I tried moving but couldn't.

"Bone of the father, unwillingly given" Pettigrew said as he dumped a bone in the cauldron, "Flesh of the servant, willingly sacrificed" He said as he cut off his hand making me look away, "And blood of the enemy and firstborn forcibly taken" He said as he cut my hand and cut Harry's arm, "The Dark Lord shall rise again" He said as he dripped our blood into the cauldron before it set alight, and Dad was alive and well, "My wand, Wormtail" He ordered, Pettigrew gave it him "Hold out your arm" He said, Pettigrew smiled as he held up his none existence hand up "Master, thank you, master" "The other arm, Wormtail" He growled as he grabbed his other arm and revealed the Dark mark and Death Eaters appeared.

"Welcome, my friends. Thirteen years it's been, and yet here you stand before me as though it was yesterday. I confess myself disappointed. Not one of you tried to fine me. Crabbe! Macnair! Goyle! Not even you, Lucius!" Dad said as he unmasked each of them, I glared at them all "My Lord. Had I detected any sign, a whisper of your whereabouts-" "There were signs, my slippery friend. And more than whispers" Dad said cutting Lucius off, "I assure you, my lord, I have never renounced the old ways. The face I have been obliged to present each day since your absence that is my true mask" He explained, "I returned" Pettigrew said then cowered away as Dad approached him, I scoffed "You ran from me! You returned out of fear!" I yelled making them all face me, "Still, you've proved yourself useful these past few months, Wormtail" Dad said as he gave him a metal hand before coming over to me.

"Trixie, my sweet child" He said as he tilted my head and inspected my face, "Don't touch her!" Harry yelled making me sigh as Dad let me go and headed towards Harry, "Harry. I'd almost forgotten you were here. Standing on the bones of my father. Yeah, I'd introduce you but word has it you're almost as famous as me these days. The boy who lived. How lies have fed your legends. Shall I reveal what really happened that night 13 years ago? Shall I divulge how I truly lost my powers? Yes, shall I? It was love. You see, when dear, Lily Potter gave her life for her only child, she provided the ultimate protection. I could not touch him. It was old magic. Something I should have foreseen. But no matter, no matter. Things have changed. I can touch you now" He said before touching Harry's scar making him yell out in pain.

I stepped towards them making me smirk as I aimed my wand at my Dad, "Stupefy!" I yelled.

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