Chapter 20

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Trixie's POV

I was sat next to Harry's bed as he laid on it unconscious, his eyes opened as he sat up, "Harry" I sighed in relief as he sat on the edge of his bed putting his glasses on, "I saw my dad" he said, I raised an eyebrow "What?" I asked, "He sent the dementors away. I saw him across the lake" He explained, "Harry, they've captured Sirius. Any minute the dementors are going to perform the kiss" Hermione said, "They're gonna kill him?" Harry asked as he stood up, "No. It's worse. They're going to suck out his soul" I explained, his eyes widened before the doors opened and Dumbledore came through "Headmaster, stop them. They've got the wrong man" Hermione said as we walked up to him.

"It was Scabbers who did it" Ron said from his bed, "Scabbers?" Dumbledore asked, "Peter Pettigrew is an Animagus and has been a rat for the past 12 years. The point is, we know the truth" I say, "Please believe us" Hermione said, "I do Miss Granger. But the word of four 13-year-old wizards will convince few others. A child's voice, however honest and true is meaningless to those who have forgotten how to listen" Dumbledore said as he patted Ron's potted leg making him whimper.

"Mysterious thing, time. Powerful and when meddled with dangerous. Sirius Black is in the topmost cell of the Dark Tower. You know the laws Miss Granger. You must not be seen. And you would do well, I feel to return before the last chime. If not, the consequences are too ghastly to discuss. If you succeed tonight more than 1 innocent life may be spared. Three turns should do it, I think" Dumbledore said before he left, I raised an eyebrow as I turned to Hermione, "What the bloody hell was that all about?" Ron asked.

"Sorry Ron, but seeing as you can't walk" Hermione said before pulling a Time-turner out from her neck and placed it around Harry's and mine's neck before turning it three times, and we travelled back in time, it stopped and she took it off us, "What just happened? Where's Ron?" Harry asked, "Where did you get that?" I asked, "7:30. Where were we at 7:30?" She asked, Harry shrugged "Going to Hagrids" I sighed, "Come on and we can't be seen" Hermione said as we ran towards Hagrids, "Hermione!" Harry called after her and we arrived at the top of hill that leads to Hagrids.

I stopped them, "Hermione, will you please tell me what it is we're doing?" Harry asked, I looked around the side keep an eye on our past selves as Hermione explained to him, "Good punch" Harry said making me smile, "Thanks" Hermione said, "Draco's coming" I say before pulling them to safety, the past selves went down to Hagrids and we stood behind the stone, "Buckbeak's alive" I say, "Of course. Remember what Dumbledore said? If we succeed, more than one innocent life could be spared" Hermione said, I nodded "Let's go" I say before leading them down and hid behind the pumpkins.

"Here they come. We better hurry" Harry said mentioning Fudge, Dumbledore and the Executioner, "Fudge has to see Buckbeak before we steal him. Otherwise, he'll think Hagrid set him free" I say, "Scabbers, you're alive!" I heard Ron yell making me look through the window before noticing a familiar looking stone, "Why aren't we leaving?" Hermione asked before I picked it up and threw it smashing the pot, then threw another hitting Harry's head, "That hurt" Harry said touch the back of his head, I rolled my eyes "Shut up. We're coming out of the back door. Go!" I say pushing them into the Forrest.

We hid behind the trees, "Is that really what my hair looks like from the back?" Hermione asked, I chuckled before a twig snapped making the past Hermione look towards us, "What?" the past me asked, "I thought I saw-Never mind" The past her said, "Let's go" Ron said before they all ran up the hill, we went back behind the pumpkins "Alright, go, Harry, Trixie. Go!" Hermione said, Harry and myself went towards Buckbeak and bowed, he returned it and I grabbed the chain and handed it Harry as we began to pulled at him making him squawk.

"Come on Buckbeak. Come and get the nice dead ferret" Hermione said making him get up causing Harry to fall on me, "Sorry" He said as he got up and helped me up, we began to lead Buckbeak out of the pumpkin patch when Fudge came out making us all freeze before Dumbledore convinced him to do something inside the hutch, we managed to get Buckbeak into Forrest "But where is it? I saw the beast, just now. Not a moment ago!" Fudge yelled, "How extraordinary" Dumbledore said making me shake my head.

"Buckbeak" Hagrid said in a warning tone, Come now, Dumbledore. Someone's obviously released him. Hagrid?" Fudge said, "I don't think the Minister's suggesting you had anything to do with this. How could you? You've been with us all the time" Dumbledore said before we left to the Whomping Willow where we just saw Hermione enter the tree, "Now what?" Harry asked, "We save Sirius" Hermione said, "How?" Harry asked, she shrugged "No idea" she said, "It's Lupin" I say, "Immobulous!" He yelled before entering the tree, "Snape's coming" I say as he came and entered the tree, "Now we wait" Hermione said, I shifted into my Wolf before sitting on the ground.

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