Chapter 30

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Trixie's POV
Dad blocked it, "Stupid girl!" He yelled as he sent a charm back at me, I blocked it "Don't touch him then!" I growled, his eyes widened "How dare you stand against your family!" He yelled, I tilted my head and glanced towards Harry, "I made a promise to protect him. And I'm intending to keep it" I said, "Astonishing. Pick up your wand, Potter!" Dad yelled as Harry dropped to the floor, I ran over to him and helped him stand up, "I said pick up your wand!" Dad yelled as he fired a charm at Harry but I blocked it and glared at him, Harry did so before pulling me behind a gravestone.

"You up for this?" He asked, "For what?" I asked before he got up and left me, "Have it your way" He said "Avada Kedavra!" "Expelliarmus!" Harry said in unison with Dad, I looked over the gravestone to see the Death Eaters moving to attack Harry, I growled before coming out of the cover "Bombarda!" I yelled exploding the gravestones around them making them cower away, I stood next to Harry, "Expelliarmus" I say and I joined the connection and a shield of sorts formed around the three of us.

Cedric's ghost then came out of Dad's wand, followed by an old man, then Harry's parents making my eyes widened, "Harry, when the connection is broken you must get to the Portkey! We can only linger for a moment to give you sometime but only a moment. Do you understand?" James said and Harry nodded, "Trixie, Harry, take my body back, will you? Take my body back to my father" Cedric said, I nodded "Thank you for protecting him" Lily said to me, I smiled and nodded "Let go. You're ready. Let go!" She said, I grabbed Harry's arm and severed the connection making it hit a statue before I pulled Harry to Cedric's body, "Accio!" I yelled as I grabbed the cup sending us back to Hogwarts.

"Trixie. Harry!" I heard Dumbledore yell, I got up and sighed as everyone cheered, I shook my head as Fleur came over to me, she noticed Cedric and screamed silencing everyone, "For Godsake, Dumbledore, what's happened?" Fudge asked, I noticed Amos and Arthur coming down out of the stairs, "He's back. He's back! Voldemort's back" Harry sobbed, "Trixie" I heard Fred say as he pushed through the crowd, he pulled me into a hug as I broke down, "That's my son! That's my boy!" Amos cried, I pulled away from Fred and looked around for Harry only to see him being dragged off by Moody.

I wiped my face as I pulled my wand out and shoved my way through the crowd and by the way looked at me in fear, I had a look of murder on my face, "Trixie!" I heard Dumbledore and Snape yell after me, I stormed up to Moody's office and went to open it but it was lock, "Bombarda!" I yelled forcing the door open as I saw Moody hovering over Harry, "Stupefy!" I yelled hitting him away from Harry and into a chair, I pulled Harry up and behind me as I aimed my wand at Moody who was groaning in pain.

Dumbledore and Snape came in and up to Moody, Snape smelt Moody's flask "Polyjuice potion" he said and Moody shifted back to Barty Crouch Jr. "Where is he?!" Dumbledore yelled, he looked over to a chest and Dumbledore opened it "Alastor, how are you?" He asked, "Been better" Moody said.


"Trixie!" I heard Fleur yell as she came over to me, she pulled me into a hug and pulled away smiling, "Keep in touch" She said handing me some parchment, I nodded "Until next time" She said before leaving me, "Trixie" Krum said as he came over to me, I folded my arms "I'm sorry about the way I acted towards you. You're nothing like him" He said before sticking out his hand, I raised an eyebrow before shaking it "Took you long enough to notice" I say, he shrugged "Do well in protecting your sister" He said, I looked over to Hermione and smiled slightly as I turned back to him and nodded "If we ever meet again" He said before leaving.

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